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 thrashing ['θræʃɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 鞭打, 打谷

[计] 系统颠簸, 抖动

    [ noun ]
    1. a sound defeat

    2. <noun.event>
    3. the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows

    4. <noun.act>

    Thrash \Thrash\, Thresh \Thresh\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Thrashed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thrashing}.] [OE.
    [thorn]reschen, [thorn]reshen, to beat, AS. [thorn]erscan,
    [thorn]rescan; akin to D. dorschen, OD. derschen, G.
    dreschen, OHG. dreskan, Icel. [thorn]reskja, Sw. tr["o]ska,
    Dan. t[ae]rske, Goth. [thorn]riskan, Lith. traszketi to
    rattle, Russ. treskate to burst, crackle, tresk' a crash,
    OSlav. troska a stroke of lighting. Cf. {Thresh}.]
    1. To beat out grain from, as straw or husks; to beat the
    straw or husk of (grain) with a flail; to beat off, as the
    kernels of grain; as, to thrash wheat, rye, or oats; to
    thrash over the old straw.

    The wheat was reaped, thrashed, and winnowed by
    machines. --H. Spencer.

    2. To beat soundly, as with a stick or whip; to drub.

    Thrashing \Thrash"ing\,
    a. & n. from {Thrash}, v.

    {Thrashing floor}, {Threshing-floor}, or {Threshing floor}, a
    floor or area on which grain is beaten out.

    {Thrashing machine}, a machine for separating grain from the

    1. She was wounded, thrashing around on the ground in a lot of pain.
    2. Lawmakers thrashing out a fiscal 1990 defense plan are looking toward Senate action on a military spending bill to help break the impasse over President Bush's budget request for strategic weapons.
    3. One problem officials are thrashing out is how to go about immunizing children.
    4. Overoptimistic investors smelling an end to the stock market correction bought shares aggressively early yesterday, but by day's end had taken yet another sound thrashing.
    5. A sharp strike, a brief tussle, and the thrashing beast was on the bank. A boot was then jammed on its neck while the hook was removed, and into the bucket it went. It took us a while to master this new art.
    6. Traders said while security houses and automakers posted gains, the market appeared to be thrashing around in search of a new direction.
    7. School officials said any injuries Tracy suffered were caused by his thrashing about on the floor of the principal's office as he sought to avoid the paddling.
    8. The man was hospitalized after he felt a sharp abdominal pain, and then began thrashing and bucking.
    9. "I woke up at four in the morning and saw him gasping for air, thrashing on the floor and foaming at the mouth," Mr. Gandolfo says.
    10. The G-7 countries are gradually thrashing out a consensus over what they can do to help the troubled Soviet Union build a market economy.
    11. As the crew slowly winches the net back on board, the mesh swells out with tons of thrashing fish.
    12. The new 23-member board of Societe Generale de Belgique S.A. held its first meeting and created a nine-man management committee to start thrashing out strategy.
    13. Barbara Kenworthy, a portfolio manager at Dreyfus Corp., says the recent thrashing of the market has left Treasurys out of favor with some investors.
    14. The result was the thrashing the Liberal Democrats took in the July 23 election.
    15. The silence is broken by the roar of a jeep or the thrashing of a tracked "vezdekhod" _ the refitted armored personnel carriers that serve as Dickson's police cars, ambulances and buses.
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