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 testaceous [te'steiʃәs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 具介壳的, 介壳质的, 赤褐色的

[医] 有壳的, 有介壳的, 有甲壳的

    [ adj ]
    relating to or possessing a testa or hard shell
    testaceous fish

    Testaceous \Tes*ta"ceous\, a. [L. testaceus, fr. testa a shell.
    See {Testa}.]
    1. Of or pertaining to shells; consisted of a hard shell, or
    having a hard shell.

    2. (Bot. & Zo["o]l.) Having a dull red brick color or a
    brownish yellow color.

    {Testaceous animals} (Zo["o]l.), animals having a firm,
    calcareous shell, as oysters and clams, thus distinguished
    from {crustaceous animals}, whose shells are more thin and
    soft, and consist of several joints, or articulations, as
    lobsters and crabs.

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