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 testament   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 遗嘱, <<圣约书>>

[法] 遗言, 遗嘱, 确实的证明

    [ noun ]
    1. a profession of belief

    2. <noun.cognition>
      he stated his political testament
    3. a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die

    4. <noun.communication>
    5. strong evidence for something

    6. <noun.communication>
      his easy victory was a testament to his skill
    7. either of the two main parts of the Christian Bible

    8. <noun.communication>

    Testament \Tes"ta*ment\, n. [F., fr. L. testamentum, fr. testari
    to be a witness, to make one's last will, akin to testis a
    witness. Cf. {Intestate}, {Testify}.]
    1. (Law) A solemn, authentic instrument in writing, by which
    a person declares his will as to disposal of his estate
    and effects after his death.

    Note: This is otherwise called a will, and sometimes a last
    will and testament. A testament, to be valid, must be
    made by a person of sound mind; and it must be executed
    and published in due form of law. A man, in certain
    cases, may make a valid will by word of mouth only. See
    {Nuncupative will}, under {Nuncupative}.

    2. One of the two distinct revelations of God's purposes
    toward man; a covenant; also, one of the two general
    divisions of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures,
    in which the covenants are respectively revealed; as, the
    Old Testament; the New Testament; -- often limited, in
    colloquial language, to the latter.

    He is the mediator of the new testament . . . for
    the redemption of the transgressions that were under
    the first testament. --Heb. ix. 15.

    {Holographic testament}, a testament written wholly by the
    testator himself. --Bouvier.

    1. Mr. Maxwell's last will and testament also is shrouded in doubt.
    2. Nobel's testament dictated that the peace prize be awarded by a committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament, but his reasoning remains a mystery.
    3. Ho's last testament recently was published in full for the first time.
    4. It is a testament to the commitment of our two governments to the principles of the open market and to economic cooperation." Opponents of the agreement had said the Reagan speech could be interpreted as interference in Canadian affairs.
    5. He left a 29-page "political testament," excerpts of which were read over Tehran radio on Monday.
    6. Ayatollah Khomeini has drafted a new "divine political will and testament" about who will succeed him, official Tehran Radio reported.
    7. Mark Knopfler was fond of introducing his group in concert as the "Dire Straits rock 'n' roll band," and it has been that milieu, not his session work or his film scores, that stands as his highest testament.
    8. The proliferation of consumer advocacy organizations since then is a testament to the health of their movement, says veteran raider Clarence Ditlow.
    9. "That little disruption was a remarkable testament to the Constitution of the United States," North said, contrasting American freedom of speech with censorship in the Soviet Union.
    10. Mr. Garrett maintains that the enthusiastic response Mr. Bush received is a testament to the good will he has built up in some segments of the black community.
    11. Some passed out a package that included an organ donor card and a copy of a last will and testament.
    12. Perhaps the ultimate testament to the chimes' success as mass-transit art are the comments from those who don't seem to be part of the academic crowd.
    13. But as a testament that there is little hand-wringing over the recession, debt-laden RJR Nabisco topped the most-active list with a 17% gain in composite trading.
    14. Ahmad, Khomeini's son, read a section of his father's political testament over the radio.
    15. It is testament to Delaware's failure to win much respect that no one has ever written a political history of the state.
    16. "For years I have been an admirer of your artistic ideas, and now I would like to name you as my sole heir in my testament."
    17. The brave Americans serving our nation in the gulf, in Somalia, and wherever else they stand are testament to our resolve. But our greatest strength is the power of our ideas, which are still new in many lands.
    18. In testament to its efforts, Four Seasons hotels claimed more "Five Diamond" ratings from the American Automobile Association this year than any of its competitors.
    19. The spectacular growth in the number of policies purchased in the past five years is a testament to these improvements.
    20. Lebanon refused to accept them and these men are now abandoned on a frozen hillside, without basic humanitarian care, a testament to the ease with which Middle East leaders can revert to the attitudes and actions which marked the past four decades.
    21. Huatulco, about 330 miles southeast of Mexico City, is testament to the importance of tourism for a nation saddled with a $102 billion foreign debt.
    22. As a further testament of faith in the company's future, many corporations urge executives to hold on to shares acquired with options as long as they're with the company.
    23. Her brother, Peter, also went into movies, leaving a testament to the 1960s with the haunting "Easy Rider." Fonda went to private schools on both coasts and wound up partying at Vassar College.
    24. Scorcese has since joined the Board of Advisers, a testament to the ARChive's digging ability and its growing fame.
    25. Anna Larina had memorised Bukharin's last political testament.
    26. But at the same time, having us here runs counter to so many of their basic instincts." That fact is testament to Japan's industrial might and a harbinger of challenges ahead.
    27. It is a testament to the fact that very few people do research." Or maybe it's best to diagnose the market's volatility as a bad case of nerves.
    28. Assuming the tally holds, however, it is a testament to the remarkable staying power of Hollywood Park's incumbent chairman, Marjorie L. Everett, who is determined to hang on to the reins at the thoroughbred track she has managed for nearly 20 years.
    29. Unlike in World War I, the Turks insisted on neutrality, and the book is a tacit testament to their standfastness, nothing short of a miracle under the circumstances.
    30. The wealth may be somewhat depleted, but New York's confidence and energy are staging a credible come-back. The Four Seasons isn't the only testament to city's rejuvenation after several difficult years.
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