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 surplusage ['sɚplʌsɪdʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 剩余物

[法] 过剩, 盈余, 多余

    [ noun ]
    a quantity much larger than is needed

    Surplusage \Sur"plus*age\, n. [See {Surplus}, and cf.
    1. Surplus; excess; overplus; as, surplusage of grain or
    goods beyond what is wanted.

    Take what thou please of all this surplusage.

    A surplusage given to one part is paid out of a
    reduction from another part of the same creature.

    2. (Law) Matter in pleading which is not necessary or
    relevant to the case, and which may be rejected.

    3. (Accounts) A greater disbursement than the charge of the
    accountant amounts to. [Obs.] --Rees.

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