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 surpluses ['sә:plәses添加此单词到默认生词本

surplus 的复数

n. 剩余, 过剩, 盈余

a. 过剩的, 剩余的

[经] 盈余, 公积; 剩余的


Surpluses of food can is sold for cash.

Key enterprises have made great progress in making up deficits and getting surpluses.

We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2% of our GDP.

farming that provides for the basic needs of the farmer without surpluses for marketing.

We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2% of GDP per annum.

    1. The OECD ministers said government intervention had resulted in harmful agricultural surpluses, and they agreed that "market signals" should play a bigger part in determining future patterns of agricultural production.
    2. The resulting increase in earnings has facilitated higher dividend payments, which in turn have contributed to pension fund surpluses.
    3. Speaking at a meeting of the National Council of Savings Institutions, Mr. Greenspan also suggested that budget surpluses might be useful.
    4. The measure calls for mandatory reduction of trade surpluses maintained by countries who restrict their own markets to U.S. goods.
    5. Some analysts argue that a higher import bill could benefit Japan by trimming its persistent trade surpluses and cooling industrial expansion.
    6. But its remit has been drawn to encompass what has emerged as the central issue in the industry - ownership. Revelations of mismanagement or misuse of surpluses have outraged pension scheme members, sometimes with reason, sometimes not.
    7. While the August trade and current-account surpluses both widened from a year earlier, they narrowed from July.
    8. For a nation accustomed to enormous debts in its consumer, business and government sectors, the idea of trillion-dollar Social Security surpluses tends to sound like a financial fairy tale.
    9. Moynihan, considered one of the Senate's experts on Social Security, has said his plan is aimed at preventing the growing surpluses the system generates from artificially lowering the federal deficit.
    10. In major agricultural countries, farm-support payments have become so generous they spur global overproduction and surpluses that depress prices and squeeze farmers everywhere.
    11. Directs the Treasury Department to start talks with nations that it believes are manipulating their exchange rates if they are running trade surpluses with the United States.
    12. Refuting arguments that Japan needs to maintain its surpluses to help capital-starved countries, Mr. Utsumi argued that Japan can both reduce its surpluses and funnel capital abroad.
    13. Refuting arguments that Japan needs to maintain its surpluses to help capital-starved countries, Mr. Utsumi argued that Japan can both reduce its surpluses and funnel capital abroad.
    14. The current $10.10 price would be maintained as long as surpluses range between 3.5 billion and five billion pounds.
    15. Banished were surpluses and bargain basement prices.
    16. The surpluses and deficits of the various sectors must add up to zero.
    17. "We are deliberately keeping all options open," Kirkland said, adding that he opposes employers' use of pension fund surpluses to finance health care benefits except for retirees who are beneficiaries of those funds.
    18. The OECD estimates that agricultural surpluses have depressed world farm prices by about 33%, while subsidies and import barriers have increased farmers' costs of land, equipment, fertilizers and other raw materials.
    19. But these measures haven't yet reduced the U.S.'s runaway $170 billion trade deficit and the corresponding West German and Japanese surpluses.
    20. A balance or deficit after seven years of surpluses would mark a decisive change in the fundamentals of cocoa, she said.
    21. The conferees are expected instead to work out a compromise provision designed to force countries with large trade surpluses to drop their barriers to U.S. products or face retaliation.
    22. The country has run huge trade surpluses in the past and can again."
    23. The two nations turned to a structural approach to trade reforms after success in lifting trade barriers such as tariffs failed to eliminate Japan's huge surpluses with the United States and other industrialized nations.
    24. That, in turn, would impede U.S. efforts to narrow its trade deficit and reduce the Japanese and West German trade surpluses.
    25. If the Japanese want to help the developing nations and the world economy, the route is clear enough: reduce their surpluses by becoming consumers of more of the world's goods.
    26. All four have huge and mounting trade surpluses.
    27. West Germany's big trade and current account surpluses have been sharply criticized in the U.S., which is trying to persuade Bonn to increase imports and boost its sluggish economic growth.
    28. Instead of producing huge surpluses of Sonys and Toyotas for the world to buy and enjoy, the Japanese are bent on employing more of their productive resources toward meeting their own needs.
    29. The benign period we've been through of pension surpluses and improved benefits would come to a staggering halt.
    30. Social Security is currently rolling up $40 billion annual surpluses that soon will become $100 billion-a-year surpluses.
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