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 sufficiently [sə'fɪʃəntlɪ添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    to a sufficient degree
    she was sufficiently fluent in Mandarin

    Sufficiently \Suf*fi"cient*ly\, adv.
    To a sufficient degree; to a degree that answers the purpose,
    or gives content; enough; as, we are sufficiently supplied
    with food; a man sufficiently qualified for the discharge of
    his official duties.

    1. IN the past, there have been complaints that the visual arts at the Edinburgh Festival have not sufficiently reflected the state of Scottish art past or present.
    2. Given the poor quality of so many of his government's decisions and subsequent climbdowns - or inconsistent refusals to compromise - it is far from clear that he is stimulating a sufficiently thorough team dialogue.
    3. HUD investigators say federal funds were spent inappropriately and that the partners, including Washington lawyer Edward Weidenfeld, failed to invest sufficiently from their own funds in the federally subsidized housing project in Brunswick, Ga.
    4. The bonds of national cohesion in the republic are sufficiently fragile already.
    5. The TransCanada proposal "has to be made sufficiently ahead of June 30 to ensure that the banks don't sign with Amoco," another source close to TransCanada said.
    6. Your wishes have to be stated in a way "that your intent will later be judged sufficiently clear by people taking care of you," says Ms. Rouse.
    7. In a last-minute move, the government forced Pepsi to change the name of the soft drink from Pepsi Era to Lehar Pepsi because Era wasn't considered sufficiently "Indian."
    8. The port has not sufficiently improved its efficiency, facilities and services.' However, the main problem lies not in the port itself but in government policy.
    9. The problem is whether these measures will be sufficiently robust.
    10. Growth stocks may underperform cyclical stocks next year if the Federal Reserve begins to let interest rates drift sufficiently lower to boost the economy.
    11. Even through the early 1960s, the moral ethos of public schools was sufficiently Protestant as to not generate concern, even though Evangelicals had lost force and credibility as a religious movement.
    12. The absence of some such forms of outsider control mechanism may mean that, while privatisation meets fairness objectives, efficiency is not sufficiently enhanced.
    13. A sufficiently determined individual can subvert almost any system. So it is hard to go along with the standard denunciation of Shell's Japanese debacle. It is more interesting to trace the reasons for the failure.
    14. But a key question is whether Messrs. Baker and Bush have a sufficiently sophisticated grasp of Mideast political dynamics to be useful in this effort.
    15. Bow Valley said the restructuring being discussed with British Gas addresses concerns that the original agreement signed by the companies in August wasn't sufficiently attractive to existing Bow Valley shareholders.
    16. And the structure is sufficiently robust to allow further legislative change at a later stage when the fears of those who oppose privatisation can be shown to be illusory.
    17. Neither did the towns always succeed in generating a sufficiently large and diverse economic mix to sustain their expanding populations.
    18. The dollar has been hammered in recent months by negative news on the trade deficit _ which has indicated to traders that the currency might have to fall further in order for U.S. exports to be sufficiently competitive.
    19. By now, one would think, the subject of coming of age in Brooklyn had been rather sufficiently documented.
    20. As it firms up the rules, the government will need to ensure that they are sufficiently attractive to draw in the new competitors without whom deregulation will fail.
    21. But it will take P&O several years to generate the profits needed to rebuild cover sufficiently to contemplate any dividend increase.
    22. The appeals panel ruled that Bellecourt's use of the F-Stop for photo processing exposed his photographs to the public sufficiently to defeat his claim to Fourth Amendment privacy protection.
    23. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney said Wednesday some hope remains that differences among Canada's 10 provincial premiers over the Meech Lake accord can be sufficiently narrowed to hold a conference.
    24. Perhaps the Europeans did not speak sufficiently clearly and consistently.
    25. "We'll look at other steps" if these don't sufficiently reduce costs, he added.
    26. It is sufficiently flexible to cope with individually tailored packages for clients.
    27. But this risks destabilising the financial system unless the agency is sufficiently well capitalised and firmly run.
    28. But because there is still significant corporate and speculative demand for dollars, the market "has yet to get sufficiently long" to engineer a significant downward correction in the dollar, Mr. Raphael said.
    29. The company also said it plans to concentrate on developing "its primary lines of business" and sell or close units that "aren't sufficiently profitable or don't fit in with the company's business concept."
    30. In a hearing on Friday, a state court judge said Dr. Gilbert was sufficiently aware of the proceedings to stand trial.
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