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 suffocating 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adj ]
    causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat
    the choking June dustthe smothering soft voices
    smothering heat
    the room was suffocating--hot and airless

    Suffocating \Suf"fo*ca`ting\,
    a. & n. from {Suffocate}, v. -- {Suf"fo*ca`ting*ly}, adv.

    Suffocate \Suf"fo*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Suffocated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Suffocating}.]
    1. To choke or kill by stopping respiration; to stifle; to

    Let not hemp his windpipe suffocate. --Shak.

    2. To destroy; to extinguish; as, to suffocate fire.

    1. A full-page ad in this month's Spy magazine contains photographs of a trapper approaching a fox whose leg is caught in a trap, then standing on the animal and suffocating him.
    2. A grain-wagon manufacturer tests a grate to keep children from falling into corn loads and suffocating.
    3. A different mood comes through in the book's woodcuts, whose nightmarish images of anguished lovers and suffocating foliage suggest the darker side of paradise.
    4. The official Islamic Republic News Agency said 10,000 people collapsed with "heart problems" or were injured in the suffocating throng.
    5. Opening phone lines would be a first crack in the suffocating wall of the U.S. embargo that Vietnam has been seeking to dismantle for 16 years.
    6. 'It is as though we were a people suffocating in a closed room when suddenly someone threw open the windows.' It is not just that people are pleased at the restoration of diplomatic cordialities.
    7. She "observed Gwendolyn Gail Graham suffocating (the patient) by pressing a washcloth beneath the chin of Chambers and another washcloth over Chambers' mouth and nose," the warrant said.
    8. His tight (but never suffocating) grasp on Act 1 loosened after the interval; Act 2 felt like a succession of beautifully shaped discrete parts rather than a continuously flowing whole.
    9. The woman is accused of killing her son, Richard Wesley Eveans, by placing her hand over the child's mouth and suffocating him.
    10. The government has admitted that 43 people died, 41 of them suffocating in a packed police van while being transported to prison.
    11. Racked by back-to-back drought years that have distilled the wetlands to a suffocating, toxin-ridden stew, the refuge 60 miles east of Reno has become a murky grave to more than 7 million fish and 2,000 birds in the past 18 months.
    12. Has somebody in the Treasury also calculated that 50 per cent pay inflation in three years (cumulative, not annual) would eliminate the suffocating effect of the huge financial claims by the older generation on the young?
    13. Tourism is suffocating us.
    14. For them, medicine as an art is vanishing and the paper work is suffocating.
    15. When the winds turn, it can be suffocating.
    16. Noriega, campaigning on behalf of his hand-picked candidate, said a vote for the opposition would ensure suffocating U.S. influence over Panamanian affairs.
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