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 suffered 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 遭受;允许;宽恕(suffer的过去分词)

  1. The boy suffered from acute pain.
  2. At that time, we suffered loss on loss.
  3. All the rockmass of slide part, slide zone and slide bed suffered strong karstification and has complex structure.

Suffer \Suf"fer\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Suffered}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Suffering}.] [OE. suffren, soffren, OF. sufrir, sofrir,
F. souffrir, (assumed) LL. sofferire, for L. sufferre; sub
under + ferre to bear, akin to E. bear. See {Bear} to
1. To feel, or endure, with pain, annoyance, etc.; to submit
to with distress or grief; to undergo; as, to suffer pain
of body, or grief of mind.

2. To endure or undergo without sinking; to support; to
sustain; to bear up under.

Our spirit and strength entire,
Strongly to suffer and support our pains. --Milton.

3. To undergo; to be affected by; to sustain; to experience;
as, most substances suffer a change when long exposed to
air and moisture; to suffer loss or damage.

If your more ponderous and settled project
May suffer alteration. --Shak.

4. To allow; to permit; not to forbid or hinder; to tolerate.

Thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour, and not
suffer sin upon him. --Lev. xix.

I suffer them to enter and possess. --Milton.

Syn: To permit; bear; endure; support; sustain; allow; admit;
tolerate. See {Permit}.

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