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 stocking ['stɔkiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 长袜

[医] 马足水肿; 长袜

[经] 库存盘点, 盘点存货

  1. The boy is one meter tall in his stocking feet.
  2. An embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking or sock.

[ noun ]
  1. close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural)

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. the activity of supplying a stock of something

  4. <noun.act>
    he supervised the stocking of the stream with trout

Stock \Stock\ (st[o^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stocked}
(st[o^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Stocking}.]
1. To lay up; to put aside for future use; to store, as
merchandise, and the like.

2. To provide with material requisites; to store; to fill; to
supply; as, to stock a warehouse, that is, to fill it with
goods; to stock a farm, that is, to supply it with cattle
and tools; to stock land, that is, to occupy it with a
permanent growth, especially of grass.

3. To suffer to retain milk for twenty-four hours or more
previous to sale, as cows.

4. To put in the stocks. [R.] --Shak.

{To stock an anchor} (Naut.), to fit it with a stock, or to
fasten the stock firmly in place.

{To stock cards} (Card Playing), to arrange cards in a
certain manner for cheating purposes; -- also called {to
stack the deck}. [Cant]

{To stock down} (Agric.), to sow, as plowed land, with grass
seed, in order that it may become swarded, and produce

{To stock up}, to extirpate; to dig up.

Stocking \Stock"ing\, n. [From {Stock}, which was formerly used
of a covering for the legs and feet, combining breeches, or
upper stocks, and stockings, or nether stocks.]
1. A close-fitting covering for the foot and leg, usually
knit or woven.

2. Any of various things resembling, or likened to, a
stocking[1]; as:
(a) A broad ring of color, differing from the general
color, on the lower part of the leg of a quadruped;
esp., a white ring between the coronet and the hock or
knee of a dark-colored horse.
(b) A knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually
converted by a special process into an incandescent
mantle for gas lighting.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

{Blue stocking}. See {Bluestocking}.

{Stocking frame}, a machine for knitting stockings or other
hosiery goods.

Stocking \Stock"ing\, v. t.
To dress in GBs. --Dryden.

  1. State regulators are said to be investigating a doctor who speeded up delivery of a baby, plopped the infant into a Christmas stocking and dashed to a TV studio next door to display her as the county's first newborn of the '90s.
  2. A neat little device for measuring the height of the tennis net (vital now that the heads of racquets are so big) at Pounds 14.95 would make a good stocking present.
  3. Allen I. Questrom, chairman and chief executive officer of Federated and Allied, told creditors that the company had succeeded in retaining and motivating personnel and stocking its stores with merchandise.
  4. End Adv PM Fri Dec. 21 One of the more terrible punishments that can be inflicted by economic events is uncertainty, and during this holiday season it is present in lumps, like coal in a Christmas stocking.
  5. Pohrman visited the home last weekend wearing roller skates and a tight body stocking with huge red cardboard hearts over her front and back.
  6. Hawaii Island residents were stocking up on batteries, canned goods and other emergency supplies as the storm approached from the southeast.
  7. A third actor wears red pajamas and a red stocking cap. He's the hero of the piece, or at least the performer with the most lines.
  8. The prestige department store is also stocking more dresses costing $150 to $200, its lowest price range, and highlighting them in store brochures.
  9. Residents of Gdansk, Poland's largest port and the birthplace of Solidarity, appeared to be stocking up on food in preparation for protracted unrest.
  10. Across Beijing, stores have been stocking up on the goods in anticipation of the price rise.
  11. The warning involves the "Velveteen Rabbit" in a red Christmas stocking sold from Target Stores in 23 states.
  12. He is as informative about the little jewels - like the Meon and the Frome - as on the Test and Kennet, and is commendably sane on contentious issues, such as stocking and overfishing.
  13. People are stocking up on bottled water and other supplies.
  14. Israelies are stocking up on emergency supplies including baking soda _ an antidote to chemical weapons _ while government broadcasts urge citizens to prepare for a possible Iraqi chemical attack.
  15. One Hallmark offering shows a dazed cat with a stocking cap swinging on an ornament attached to Christmas tree lights.
  16. Many stores are already stocking West German goods under agreements made in March that allowed a limited entry of some products into the country.
  17. One reason for Samsung's difficulties in Japan: Half the consumer-electronics products sold in this country are handled by retail stores controlled by Japanese manufacturers, who have no intention of stocking competing Korean goods.
  18. It means that, under the complex NBA complex rules, the Bulls would be able to play Jordan should his competitive nature draw him out of retirement. The biggest stocking filler of all was announced this week.
  19. In September 1989, a trade survey found booksellers in England divided on the question of stocking any paperback edition.
  20. For those in charge of emergency agencies, preparations for a hurricane can include stocking schools and evacuation centers with food, notifying residents of evacuation plans and shoring up vulnerable structures.
  21. Early on in the walk, he stripped off the costume by French couturier Thierry Mugler and was left in a multi-colored body stocking that made him look like a small exotic bird against the blue sky.
  22. A Christmas stocking decoration and a pacifier holder that could pose choking hazards for children are being recalled, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced.
  23. "It was surprising," she said. "People bid the highest amounts of money for some of the older celebrities." Jimmy Stewart's stocking got the biggest draw, at $200. A stocking donated by "Old Blue Eyes" got a $155 bid.
  24. "It was surprising," she said. "People bid the highest amounts of money for some of the older celebrities." Jimmy Stewart's stocking got the biggest draw, at $200. A stocking donated by "Old Blue Eyes" got a $155 bid.
  25. In a food shop around the corner, two of the enlightened ones are furiously stocking shelves with four-pound bags of sugar, which a mob of the less-enlightened instantly snaps up.
  26. I was stocking up in case Clarke imposes value added tax on books.
  27. And Wilson has faced headaches getting supermarkets geared up to stocking branded meat products.
  28. It is possible to catch them napping, stocking feet sticking out the windows of a parked army jeep.
  29. The emphasis is on stocking canned and dried foods.
  30. Other stores are quickly jumping in. Department stores are stocking up on Pommery and Moet & Chandon, the best-selling champagne in Japan, while Italian restaurants list a variety of Italian sparkling wines.
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