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 stockpile ['stɑk`paɪl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 储蓄, 积蓄, 库存

vt. 储蓄, 贮存

[法] 储存

    [ noun ]
    1. something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. a storage pile accumulated for future use

    4. <noun.group>
    [ verb ]
    1. have on hand

    2. <verb.possession> carry stock
      Do you carry kerosene heaters?

    1. Although the loss was small in relation to Rustenburg's estimated annual production of 1.4 million ounces, the company probably needs to buy platinum on the open market for a stockpile as a buffer against any future disruptions, he says.
    2. A huge silver stockpile at exchanges, refiners, consuming industries and government warehouses of at least 617 million ounces is the market depressant, says Shearson Lehman Hutton Inc. in a report.
    3. The United Nations had hoped to stockpile 100,000 tons of food in southern Sudan before the end of May, but only has delivered about half that amount.
    4. As a result, the nation's stockpile of wheat by June 1989 is expected to shrink in half to 579 million bushels from the 1.2 billion-bushel level of last June.
    5. They say the global stockpile is increasing by 60 to 70 tonnes every year. For two decades after it was first created, plutonium was expected to be the wonder fuel of the future.
    6. Giveaways to schools and other agencies now help reduce the stockpile each year, but butter still is being produced at such a rate that the government suffers huge losses, Ms. Shipp said.
    7. Another idea that the vets approve of is to flood the market with the huge stockpile of legally-removed rhino horn, force down the market price and thus make poaching unviable.
    8. Dealers attributed the rise to speculative buying encouraged by the present supply deficit, despite the large US stockpile overhanging the market. Among the soft commodities, it was cocoa's turn for a 'correction' following a rise to long time highs.
    9. Overall, exports are expected to rise more than 50 percent from last year, reducing the U.S. wheat stockpile to the lowest level in six years.
    10. The stockpile, stored in salt caverns along the Louisiana-Texas coast, has been accumulated at a cost of more than $20 billion over the last decade.
    11. The USDA pegged the nation's corn stockpile as of Dec. 1 at 7.07 billion bushels, down from 9.77 billion a year earlier but still well above pre-report estimates.
    12. It's very discouraging." The United Nations, fearing the Persian Gulf crisis might last through the winter, announced Saturday it will stockpile food for another 120,000 refugees from Iraq and Kuwait and buy winter tents for those stranded in camps.
    13. Gleason denied any involvement in criminal activity and claimed that the stockpile, while against the rules, was a convenience that avoided the trouble of turning in the ammunition.
    14. The size of the U.S. plutonium stockpile is classified, but private experts say there is enough to last for hundreds of years without further production.
    15. That bounty, though, represented a problem for Nuclear Metals' stockpile plans.
    16. The new plan also calls buying $1.9 billion of materials that are in short supply in the stockpile.
    17. One major stumbling block, along with verification, is the size of the Soviet chemical weapons stockpile.
    18. That helped bring the nation's crude stockpile down to 369.8 million barrels, from 374.3 million barrels a week earlier, although the stocks were above the level of 329 million barrels a year earlier, the trade group said in its weekly report.
    19. The stockpile built up under the industry's previous guaranteed pricing structure, and was originally the responsibility of the now-defunct Australian Wool Realisation Commission.
    20. After the futures market closed, the leading industry group released a report showing the U.S. crude stockpile had fallen farther than many analysts had been predicting.
    21. In the past three weeks, the government's stockpile of wheat in the Kabul silo has grown from 8,000 metric tons to 27,000 metric tons, well-informed sources said.
    22. We have a semi-processed stockpile and at the same time we have relatively high production figures in Australia,' Mr Drysdale said.
    23. According to the supply-and-demand report, the U.S. wheat stockpile will be drained to a 15-year low of 442 million bushels on June 1, the beginning of the new wheat marketing year.
    24. U.S. officials don't believe the Afghan resistance faces any immediate military threat; it has a large stockpile of weapons that will grow every time it captures a regime post.
    25. According to USDA projections, the soybean stockpile at the start of the 1990-91 marketing year on Sept. 1 may be around 335 million bushels, nearly double the six-year low of 182 million bushels last Sept. 1.
    26. The stockpile of distillates, which include heating oil, had been 119.8 million barrels a year earlier, API said.
    27. As a sweetener to get the plan through Congress, the Pentagon is proposing that the stockpile funds pay for $125 million in materials research over five years.
    28. I promised the United States would destroy over 98 percent of its stockpile in the first eight years of a chemical weapons ban treaty, and 100 percent - all of them - in 10 years, if all nations with chemical weapons capabilities sign the treaty.
    29. Take 6, which won two Grammy awards in February, added to their award stockpile even though they have been singing for only two years and have released just one album.
    30. These are reported to be holding sufficient stock for another six months production. The government has technically linked the sale of cigarettes to the purchase of cloves from BPPC, but the latter is likely to face problems running down its stockpile.
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