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 stiletto [stɪ'lɛto]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 短剑, 钻孔锥

[电] 机载探测地面雷达电子系统

    [ noun ]
    a small dagger with a tapered blade

    Stiletto \Sti*let"to\, n.; pl. {Stilettos}. [It., dim. of stilo
    a dagger, fr. L. stilus a pointed instrument. See {Style} for
    writing, and cf. {Stylet}.]
    1. A kind of dagger with a slender, rounded, and pointed

    2. A pointed instrument for making eyelet holes in

    3. A beard trimmed into a pointed form. [Obs.]

    The very quack of fashions, the very he that
    Wears a stiletto on his chin. --Ford.

    Stiletto \Sti*let"to\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stilettoed}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Stilettoing}.]
    To stab or kill with a stiletto. --Bacon.

    1. He seldom goes on the attack; when he does, he tends to use a gentlemanly stiletto, not a cudgel. He damns with faint praise: Paul Theroux's "Sailing Through China," he writes, "has the charm of fragments."
    2. The way she uses her fan is exemplary - never opened, but wielded, like a stiletto. That such a performance can flower here is credit to Hawthorne; so is the very acute playing in small roles.
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