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 still life 添加此单词到默认生词本

    still life
    [ noun ]
    a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers

    Still \Still\, a. [Compar. {Stiller}; superl. {Stillest}.] [OE.
    stille, AS. stille; akin to D. stil, OS. & OHG. stilli, G.
    still, Dan. stille, Sw. stilla, and to E. stall; from the
    idea of coming to a stand, or halt. Cf. {Still}, adv.]
    1. Motionless; at rest; quiet; as, to stand still; to lie or
    sit still. ``Still as any stone.'' --Chaucer.

    2. Uttering no sound; silent; as, the audience is still; the
    animals are still.

    The sea that roared at thy command,
    At thy command was still. --Addison.

    3. Not disturbed by noise or agitation; quiet; calm; as, a
    still evening; a still atmosphere. ``When all the woods
    are still.'' --Milton.

    4. Comparatively quiet or silent; soft; gentle; low. ``A
    still small voice.'' --1 Kings xix. 12.

    5. Constant; continual. [Obs.]

    By still practice learn to know thy meaning. --Shak.

    6. Not effervescing; not sparkling; as, still wines.

    {Still life}. (Fine Arts)
    (a) Inanimate objects.
    (b) (Painting) The class or style of painting which
    represents inanimate objects, as fruit, flowers, dead
    game, etc.

    Syn: Quiet; calm; noiseless; serene; motionless; inert;

    Still life \Still" life\, n.
    1. a type of painting in which inanimate objects such as
    flowers or fruit are represented.

    2. the inanimate subject matter of a {still life} painting or
    photograph; as, to painted only still life.

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