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 stigmatization [`stɪgmətə'zeʃən添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 斑痕形成; 瘀斑形成; 特征发生

    [ noun ]
    the act of stigmatizing

    Stigmatization \Stig`ma*ti*za"tion\, n.
    1. The act of stigmatizing.

    2. (R. C. Ch.) The production of stigmata upon the body. See
    {Stigma}, 8.

    1. The stigmatization of AIDS patients is proliferated by over-zealous journalists.
    2. Thus, most of the recent debate over affirmative action has focused on the safer topics of costs to employers and the stigmatization of officially favored groups.
    3. "We will show that rock is not just negative," he said. "After so many years of stigmatization, this is something positive," At $16 a ticket, the concert was exorbitantly priced by Soviet standards.
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