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 spaced-out ['spest'aʊt添加此单词到默认生词本
a. (因吸毒而)精神恍惚的, 昏沉沉的

    [ adj ]
    1. stupefied by (or as if by) some narcotic drug

    2. <adj.all>
    3. confused or disoriented as if intoxicated through taking a drug

    4. <adj.all>

    1. I was about to step forth on a dare from my editor when a spaced-out blonde weaved out of the crowd.
    2. This is the real face of Eldorado. It is 23 years since the Rolling Stones' totally spaced-out guitarist Brian Jones was drowned, and Mick Jagger mourned him by wearing a dress and reciting Shelley's Adonais in front of the thousands in Hyde Park.
    3. From the first Winter Games in 1924 to the present, Mother Nature has been the Mother of all Flakes, as unreliable as a spaced-out snow bunny with a noseful of greenhouse gasses and a brain riddled with ozone holes.
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