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 spaceship ['spes`ʃɪp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宇宙飞船

    [ noun ]
    a spacecraft designed to carry a crew into interstellar space (especially in science fiction)

    1. The astronauts will also test modifications to the spaceship.
    2. "Twenty years ago there was another spaceship, also called Columbia, and it was out at the pad," he said. "It had an important mission and an important payload.
    3. Discovery is the only spaceship in which a hydrogen leak has not been detected.
    4. This spaceship could be anything you want.
    5. Rain pelted the spaceship occasionally as it made the six-hour trip from an assembly building on the back of a giant tracked vehicle that covered the 4.2-mile course at a maximum speed of 1 mph.
    6. Discovery is the most traveled spaceship with 11 missions.
    7. In the current television version of Star Trek, for instance, the crew of the spaceship Enterprise routinely hail a ubiquitous computer and ask it questions in plain English.
    8. Fire In The Sky is based on the 'true' story of Arizona logger Travis Walton (DB Sweeney) who was snatched into the sky by an alien spaceship.
    9. NASA on Tuesday night postponed the launch of space shuttle Atlantis for several days because of a faulty master control system in one of the spaceship's three main engines.
    10. Columbia also was crippled by hydrogen leaks much of the year. NASA expects to launch the spaceship with seven astronauts and an astronomical observatory in early December.
    11. During their four-day missions, the astronauts are scheduled to deploy a communications satellite, test new spaceship systems and conduct science and technology experiments.
    12. We've also dealt with sexism." In the movie, a spaceship carrying 270,000 slaves from Tencton landed on Earth.
    13. Even our Hewlett Packard OmniBook computer has started disrespectfully urging me to 'Get Help or Start Interactive Lessons'. Perhaps like Hal, the spaceship's computer in the film 2001, it is trying to take over our mission.
    14. Instead, the company has created a two-minute animated commercial that establishes the fantasy of a spaceship crashing on Earth in 65 million B.C.
    15. The level of relations, which may extend to putting an Iranian on board a Soviet spaceship, marks a dramatic turnaround.
    16. The spaceship's initial pictures showed long faults, other areas crisscrossed by many faults in a pattern resembling broken automobile safety glass, solidified lava flows, volcanic cinder cones, meteorite impact craters and extensive valleys and ridges.
    17. APRIL 12 _ Shuttle Columbia, world's first re-flyable spaceship, launched into space.
    18. The test, with the spaceship bolted firmly on its launch mounts, is set for July 24.
    19. The astronaut-aquanaut told a Hastings College audience Monday that if the world doesn't take action soon to preserve the forests, air, streams and oceans of "spaceship Earth," life as we know it will not survive.
    20. Discovery's three main engines, generating total thrust of 1.1 million pounds, were to fire for 20 seconds in a test of the entire shuttle system. Steel bolts were to hold the spaceship firmly on the pad during the firing.
    21. To mark the network's 40th anniversary, one of its employees will be flown to the space station aboard a Soyuz spaceship.
    22. Hauck and pilot Covey guided the 97-ton, $1.5 billion spaceship to a perfect landing.
    23. The spaceship and its five astronauts had planned to return home Friday morning, but the landing was "waved off" first by one orbit and then by a day because of a threat of fog that proved to be real at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
    24. The spaceship also looked over its shoulder to make a global temperature map of Neptune, search for auroras and more rings, and study the weight of Neptune and Triton.
    25. (Nixon made the trip the following February.) In 1975, three American astronauts blasted off aboard an Apollo spaceship several hours after two Soviet cosmonauts were launched aboard a Soyuz craft for a mission linking the two ships in space.
    26. The brief dispatch said the spaceship Progress-38 was launched at 3:34 a.m. carrying "expendable materials and various loads to the Mir piloted complex."
    27. One nation's secret equipment could be enclosed in a sealed box that could be plugged into the other nation's spaceship.
    28. May 13: Shuttle spaceship, with redesigned rocket motors in place, will be rolled onto launch pad at Kennedy Space Center.
    29. Can a spaceship possibly travel faster than the speed of light?
    30. A friend of one of the soldiers, who were discharged last week for desertion, said they went to Gulf Breeze because they believed the end of the world was near and Jesus would return in a spaceship.
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