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 sour ['saʊr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 酸的, 酸臭的, 发酵的, 愠怒的, 讨厌的, 拙劣的, 不健全的

vi. 变酸, 发酵, 厌烦, 变坏

vt. 使变酸, 使失望

n. 酸味, 酸饮料

[机] 酸性的

    [ noun ]
    1. a cocktail made of a liquor (especially whiskey or gin) mixed with lemon or lime juice and sugar

    2. <noun.food>
    3. the taste experience when vinegar or lemon juice is taken into the mouth

    4. <noun.cognition>
    5. the property of being acidic

    6. <noun.attribute>
    [ verb ]
    1. go sour or spoil

    2. <verb.change> ferment turn work
      The milk has soured
      The wine worked
      The cream has turned--we have to throw it out
    3. make sour or more sour

    4. <verb.perception>
      acetify acidify acidulate
    [ adj ]
    1. having a sharp biting taste

    2. <adj.all>
    3. smelling of fermentation or staleness

    4. <adj.all>
    5. one of the four basic taste sensations; like the taste of vinegar or lemons

    6. <adj.all>
    7. in an unpalatable state

    8. <adj.all>
      sour milk
    9. inaccurate in pitch

    10. <adj.all>
      a false (or sour) note
      her singing was off key
    11. showing a brooding ill humor

    12. <adj.all>
      a dark scowl
      the proverbially dour New England Puritan
      a glum, hopeless shrug
      he sat in moody silence
      a morose and unsociable manner
      a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
      a sour temper
      a sullen crowd

    Sour \Sour\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Soured}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To become sour; to turn from sweet to sour; as, milk soon
    sours in hot weather; a kind temper sometimes sours in

    They keep out melancholy from the virtuous, and hinder
    the hatred of vice from souring into severity.

    Sour \Sour\, a. [Compar. {Sourer}; superl. {Sourest}.] [OE.
    sour, sur, AS. s?r; akin to D. zuur, G. sauer, OHG. s?r,
    Icel. s?rr, Sw. sur, Dan. suur, Lith. suras salt, Russ.
    surovui harsh, rough. Cf. {Sorrel}, the plant.]
    1. Having an acid or sharp, biting taste, like vinegar, and
    the juices of most unripe fruits; acid; tart.

    All sour things, as vinegar, provoke appetite.

    2. Changed, as by keeping, so as to be acid, rancid, or
    musty, turned.

    3. Disagreeable; unpleasant; hence; cross; crabbed; peevish;
    morose; as, a man of a sour temper; a sour reply. ``A sour
    countenance.'' --Swift.

    He was a scholar . . .
    Lofty and sour to them that loved him not,
    But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.

    4. Afflictive; painful. ``Sour adversity.'' --Shak.

    5. Cold and unproductive; as, sour land; a sour marsh.

    {Sour dock} (Bot.), sorrel.

    {Sour gourd} (Bot.), the gourdlike fruit {Adansonia
    Gregorii}, and {A. digitata}; also, either of the trees
    bearing this fruit. See {Adansonia}.

    {Sour grapes}. See under {Grape}.

    {Sour gum} (Bot.) See {Turelo}.

    {Sour plum} (Bot.), the edible acid fruit of an Australian
    tree ({Owenia venosa}); also, the tree itself, which
    furnished a hard reddish wood used by wheelwrights.

    Syn: Acid; sharp; tart; acetous; acetose; harsh; acrimonious;
    crabbed; currish; peevish.

    Sour \Sour\, n.
    A sour or acid substance; whatever produces a painful effect.

    Sour \Sour\, v. t. [AS. s?rian to sour, to become sour.]
    1. To cause to become sour; to cause to turn from sweet to
    sour; as, exposure to the air sours many substances.

    So the sun's heat, with different powers,
    Ripens the grape, the liquor sours. --Swift.

    2. To make cold and unproductive, as soil. --Mortimer.

    3. To make unhappy, uneasy, or less agreeable.

    To sour your happiness I must report,
    The queen is dead. --Shak.

    4. To cause or permit to become harsh or unkindly. ``Souring
    his cheeks.'' --Shak.

    Pride had not sour'd nor wrath debased my heart.

    5. To macerate, and render fit for plaster or mortar; as, to
    sour lime for business purposes.

    1. Pollsters agreed that voters were in a sour mood, unhappy with the president and Congress alike on their handling of the economy.
    2. If the transaction goes sour, the assets are used to pay investors.
    3. Aeroflot's resumption of service to Indonesia in July is another sign of improving relations between the Soviet Union and Southeast Asia, which were sour throughout the 1980s.
    4. It sounds to me as if Mr. Vedder is a "sour graper."
    5. Comedian Jackie Mason is not the shy type, and he is not letting a bad experience with the New York City mayor's race sour him on politicians.
    6. Instead, companies worried about the sour economy will keep shifting bucks away from traditional media advertising because they can measure results faster with promotions.
    7. The only sour note was a scream from the street just in front.
    8. Hundreds of angry blacks looted or burned stores and held off authorities with rocks and bottles early today after a black man was fatally shot in what one witness described as a drug deal gone sour, police said.
    9. Conventional wisdom among market analysts is that Mr. Maxwell's death may sour the prospects of the debt-laden Maxwell Communication flagship, considering the important role Mr. Maxwell played in it.
    10. The sour atmosphere of a family squabble does not help a sale. Do not hasten to tell your neighbours: so says Andrew Smith, of national agent Strutt & Parker.
    11. But it does that at the cost of deepening the taxpayer's exposure if the FHA is forced to pay for more loans going sour.
    12. Lumping the pacific, slow-moving, affectionate sour mugs with the vicious and aggressive American pit bull terrier of deservedly bad repute is somewhat like associating Elsie the milk cow with el toros de la plaza.
    13. The New York Post reported today that Mrs. Trump revealed in court papers obtained Thursday, that her relationship with Trump began to sour four years ago.
    14. The colorful mastermind of a North Dakota seed-potato sale to Honduras that went sour and rocked state politics pleaded guilty Friday to bribing a former key official in the state Agriculture Department.
    15. For me to criticize their verdict would be worse than sour grapes," he said.
    16. As 300 dairy farmers converge on London's Queen Elizabeth conference centre today, for the last annual general meeting of the Milk Marketing Board, they fear that the milk market is about to turn sour.
    17. But things turned very sour when federal regulators gave preliminary approval to the pickle packers' plan to dilute vinegar's role by also using food-grade acids in the pickling process.
    18. It leaves a sour taste all the same.
    19. After all these years, the champagne is mostly a symbolic trophy, having gone sour.
    20. Seoul stocks declined on sour sentiment from reports of selling by foreign investors.
    21. The airline's victory in the auction to buy 25 per cent of Qantas is a welcome fillip, although bad news about its proposed Dollars 750m investment in USAir may sour the party. Qantas is undoubtedly desirable.
    22. More recently, a vicious legal battle erupted between Goldstein and Joseph Fischer, a one-time consultant of his. Investments in real estate went sour, and price wars engulfed the electronics retailing sector generally.
    23. Given their greater freedom in underwriting VA mortgages, critics argue, lenders should accept greater responsibility when the loans go sour.
    24. That project, which would be financed over three years, would develop the field, which is estimated to have reserves of about two trillion cubic feet of sour gas, so called because of its high hydrogen-sulphide content.
    25. But in the chorus of praise for property gifts, the one sour note comes from the alternative minimum tax, toughened by the new tax law.
    26. After his rendezvous with Ms. Wonderful turns sour, Jerry analyzes romance: "Women know what men want.
    27. He also indicated the party had revised its view of the 1956 anti-Soviet revolt to acknowledge the uprising started with good intentions but went sour.
    28. Stocks opened weak amid fears that Iraq's missile attack against Israel would sour the euphoria that contributed to the robust rally Thursday.
    29. The agency so far is keeping about 70 percent of the institutions' assets, usually sour loans and distressed real estate.
    30. Even if staffing levels and equipment posed no problems, sour labor-management relations would still burden Palmdale.
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