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 sour grapes 添加此单词到默认生词本

    sour grapes
    [ noun ]
    disparagement of something that is unattainable

    Grape \Grape\, n. [OF. grape, crape, bunch or cluster of grapes,
    F. grappe, akin to F. grappin grapnel, hook; fr. OHG. chrapfo
    hook, G. krapfen, akin to E. cramp. The sense seems to have
    come from the idea of clutching. Cf. {Agraffe}, {Cramp},
    {Grapnel}, {Grapple}.]
    1. (Bot.) A well-known edible berry growing in pendent
    clusters or bunches on the grapevine. The berries are
    smooth-skinned, have a juicy pulp, and are cultivated in
    great quantities for table use and for making wine and

    2. (Bot.) The plant which bears this fruit; the grapevine.

    3. (Man.) A mangy tumor on the leg of a horse.

    4. (Mil.) Grapeshot.

    {Grape borer}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Vine borer}.

    {Grape curculio} (Zo["o]l.), a minute black weevil
    ({Craponius in[ae]qualis}) which in the larval state eats
    the interior of grapes.

    {Grape flower}, or

    {Grape hyacinth} (Bot.), a liliaceous plant ({Muscari
    racemosum}) with small blue globular flowers in a dense

    {Grape fungus} (Bot.), a fungus ({Oidium Tuckeri}) on
    grapevines; vine mildew.

    {Grape hopper} (Zo["o]l.), a small yellow and red hemipterous
    insect, often very injurious to the leaves of the

    {Grape moth} (Zo["o]l.), a small moth ({Eudemis botrana}),
    which in the larval state eats the interior of grapes, and
    often binds them together with silk.

    {Grape of a cannon}, the cascabel or knob at the breech.

    {Grape sugar}. See {Glucose}.

    {Grape worm} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the grape moth.

    {Sour grapes}, things which persons affect to despise because
    they can not possess them; -- in allusion to [AE]sop's
    fable of the fox and the grapes.

    Sour \Sour\, a. [Compar. {Sourer}; superl. {Sourest}.] [OE.
    sour, sur, AS. s?r; akin to D. zuur, G. sauer, OHG. s?r,
    Icel. s?rr, Sw. sur, Dan. suur, Lith. suras salt, Russ.
    surovui harsh, rough. Cf. {Sorrel}, the plant.]
    1. Having an acid or sharp, biting taste, like vinegar, and
    the juices of most unripe fruits; acid; tart.

    All sour things, as vinegar, provoke appetite.

    2. Changed, as by keeping, so as to be acid, rancid, or
    musty, turned.

    3. Disagreeable; unpleasant; hence; cross; crabbed; peevish;
    morose; as, a man of a sour temper; a sour reply. ``A sour
    countenance.'' --Swift.

    He was a scholar . . .
    Lofty and sour to them that loved him not,
    But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.

    4. Afflictive; painful. ``Sour adversity.'' --Shak.

    5. Cold and unproductive; as, sour land; a sour marsh.

    {Sour dock} (Bot.), sorrel.

    {Sour gourd} (Bot.), the gourdlike fruit {Adansonia
    Gregorii}, and {A. digitata}; also, either of the trees
    bearing this fruit. See {Adansonia}.

    {Sour grapes}. See under {Grape}.

    {Sour gum} (Bot.) See {Turelo}.

    {Sour plum} (Bot.), the edible acid fruit of an Australian
    tree ({Owenia venosa}); also, the tree itself, which
    furnished a hard reddish wood used by wheelwrights.

    Syn: Acid; sharp; tart; acetous; acetose; harsh; acrimonious;
    crabbed; currish; peevish.

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