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 soda niter 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 智利硝石, 硝酸钠

    soda niter
    [ noun ]
    (NaNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive

    Soda \So"da\, n. [It., soda, in OIt., ashes used in making
    glass, fr. L. solida, fem. of solidus solid; solida having
    probably been a name of glasswort. See {Solid}.]
    1. (Chem.)
    (a) Sodium oxide or hydroxide.
    (b) Popularly, sodium carbonate or bicarbonate. Sodium
    bicarbonate is also called {baking soda}

    2. same as {sodium}, used in terms such as {bicarbonate of

    3. same as {soda water}.

    4. a non-alcoholic beverage, sweetened by various means,
    containing flavoring and supersaturated with carbon
    dioxide, so as to be effervescent when the container is
    opened; -- in different localities it is variously called
    also {soda pop}, {pop}, {mineral water}, and {minerals}.
    It has many variants. The sweetening agent may be natural,
    such as cane sugar or corn syrup, or artificial, such as
    saccharin or aspartame. The flavoring varies widely,
    popular variants being fruit or cola flavoring.

    {Caustic soda}, sodium hydroxide.

    {Cooking soda}, sodium bicarbonate. [Colloq.]

    {Sal soda}. See {Sodium carbonate}, under {Sodium}.

    {Soda alum} (Min.), a mineral consisting of the hydrous
    sulphate of alumina and soda.

    {Soda ash}, crude sodium carbonate; -- so called because
    formerly obtained from the ashes of sea plants and certain
    other plants, as saltwort ({Salsola}). See under {Sodium}.

    {Soda fountain}, an apparatus for drawing soda water, fitted
    with delivery tube, faucets, etc.

    {Soda lye}, a lye consisting essentially of a solution of
    sodium hydroxide, used in soap making.

    {Soda niter}. See {Nitratine}.

    {Soda salts}, salts having sodium for the base; specifically,
    sodium sulphate or Glauber's salts.

    {Soda waste}, the waste material, consisting chiefly of
    calcium hydroxide and sulphide, which accumulates as a
    useless residue or side product in the ordinary Leblanc
    process of soda manufacture; -- called also {alkali

    {Washing soda}, sodium carbonate. [Colloq.]

    Nitratine \Ni"tra*tine\, n. (Min.)
    A mineral occurring in transparent crystals, usually of a
    white, sometimes of a reddish gray, or lemon-yellow, color;
    native sodium nitrate. It is used in making nitric acid and
    for manure. Called also {soda niter}.

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