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 soda water 添加此单词到默认生词本

    soda water
    [ noun ]
    1. effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide

    2. <noun.food>
    3. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring

    4. <noun.food>
      in New England they call sodas tonics

    Soda water \So"da wat`er\, n.
    1. originally, a beverage consisting of a weak solution of
    sodium bicarbonate to which an acid (such as phosphoric
    acid) has been added to generate carbon dioxide and thus
    cause effervescence; the term now is also used as a
    synonym for {soda pop}. Soda water without flavoring is
    used as a beverage or as a component of a mixed beverage.
    It is typically bottled or canned under pressure so that
    the carbon dioxide and effervescence will be preserved
    until use.

    2. a beverage containing supersaturated carbon dioxide
    (carbonic acid) and thus effervescent.

    3. same as {soda pop}.

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