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 socio-economic 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "Without jobs and without much hope for jobs," he said, "the new 'immobiles' are caught in a downward socio-economic spiral unprecedented for urban dwellers in this country."
    2. The illegal drug use in pregnancy "cuts across racial and socio-economic lines and maternal age groups, especially since cocaine has become so popular," said Dr. Elaine M. Johnson, director of the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention.
    3. Our drama is that a load of current problems and acute socio-economic are pressing hard on us.
    4. Basically it is a socio-economic problem. How Tunisia has approached the problem. Our approach has been multi-dimensional and we have avoided making only a security response, although of course we have applied the law.
    5. We want our public life in all aspects _ socio-economic, political, moral, ecological, and in the sphere of human rights and freedoms _ to be worthy of a human being.
    6. The High Command remains extremely reluctant to deal with the socio-economic problems of lower-echelon officers.
    7. Despite these improvements, we do not anticipate any substantial socio-economic disruption to the communities that are closely linked with bases recommended for closure.
    8. This is true even in manufacturing industry, although Japan and Germany are challenging its dominance in particular sectors. America retains many other socio-economic advantages.
    9. But again, the question is whether they vote in sufficient numbers to make a difference. Cutting across all the socio-economic divides must be the public's assessment of the character of the candidates themselves.
    10. Two years ago, the union adopted a resolution calling for an end to academic tracking "based on socio-economic status, race, or sex." Today's report came from a task force appointed then to study the issue further.
    11. The Philippines Chamber of Commerce and Industry is forecasting between 2 and 2.5 per cent. Mr Cielito Habito, the socio-economic planning secretary, recently insisted that the growth goal could still be achieved.
    12. These ex-pats soon discover that with some technical training, a western education, English fluency and a white skin they are top of the pecking order. In demographic speak a C2 is treated like an A or B socio-economic group member.
    13. "When teens are in need, no matter what their socio-economic status, they contact their peers," said psychiatrist Dr. Terry D. Lipton, president of The Center for the Study of Young People in Groups and co-founder of Teen Line.
    14. "For the first time since (Duvalier's departure) everybody has unanimously rejected the socio-economic policy of the government," opposition leader Hubert De Ronceray told The Associated Press.
    15. In fact, substantial research shows that other factors such as age, education, socio-economic and marital status are crucial factors that he fails to acknowledge.
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