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 socioeconomic   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 社会经济学的

    [ adj ]
    involving social as well as economic factors
    socioeconomic status

    1. Mr. Hopkins has since responded that "the abductees I've worked with include seven Hispanic victims as well as blacks, Europeans, Native Americans and people of extremely varied ethnic and socioeconomic background."
    2. Abuse against expectant mothers happens in all racial and socioeconomic groups, said Anne Stewart Helton, a community health nurse consultant at Texas Women's University.
    3. And life style is as elusive and qualitative a concept as socioeconomic segmentation was tangible and rigorously quantitative.
    4. Two years ago, the union proposed and debated a resolution calling for an end to academic tracking "based on socioeconomic status, race, or sex." Saturday's report came from a task force appointed then to study the issue further.
    5. In fact, lead poisoning crosses all geographic and socioeconomic strata and affects as many as four million children.
    6. One of the plan's authors has defended the "socioeconomic disadvantage" category as perhaps making more sense than the current affirmative-action preferences based on race.
    7. Dr. Rimm said the participants' socioeconomic backgrounds are similar and just 10% smoke cigarettes.
    8. Green ruled that the Navy fulfilled the mandate of NEPA by giving "serious consideration" to the socioeconomic impacts of SEAFAC and that national security interests would be compromised by issuing a preliminary injunction.
    9. As popularly perceived, two of the major socioeconomic problems today are inadequate housing for the poor and a growing gap between the rich and the poor.
    10. In particular, national health insurance does not eliminate or even substantially reduce differentials in health outcomes across socioeconomic groups.
    11. The two groups were matched for socioeconomic and marital status, and age of the child.
    12. The task force, in its report to Bush in January, cited a need for further study on the environmental and socioeconomic ramifications of new lease sales, sources have said.
    13. Mothers were matched for age, socioeconomic status and the presence of a husband or partner in the home, the statement said.
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