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 so-called 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 所谓的, 号称的

[法] 所谓的, 据称的

    [ adj ]
    doubtful or suspect
    these so-called experts are no help

    So-called \So"-called`\, a.
    So named; called by such a name (but perhaps called thus with
    doubtful propriety).

    1. The pullout began five days after a Nov. 19 deadline set by Hrawi in his effort to create a militia-free zone in the so-called "Greater Beirut" area.
    2. Under a so-called master contract between Firestone and the URW, concessions at any plant must be approved by the other plants in the master agreement.
    3. The merger of USAir Group Inc. and Piedmont Aviation Inc. is expected to create a profitable new carrier that analysts say would be a strong challenger to the nation's so-called mega-carriers.
    4. As a bonus, the administration's bill would negate the anti-competitive effects of the so-called "exclusivity clause" of the commodities laws.
    5. Under current troop-stationing agreements with East Germany, the Soviet Union buys East German marks in exchange for so-called transfer rubles at a preferential rate.
    6. Even if the application for observer status is approved this week, the Soviet Union would not be privy to the so-called Uruguay Round of talks, intended to draw up comprehensive new agreements to liberalize trade in areas such as agriculture and textiles.
    7. "It made my day," co-prosecutor Bruce Levin said of the verdict, referring to the so-called "Make My Day" law which allows residents to use deadly force in their homes against intruders.
    8. With Democrats holding majorities in the House and Senate, the only questions seem to be how large the so-called "peace dividend" will be, and where the savings will go.
    9. To a degree, Quantum represents the new times that have arrived for producers of the so-called commodity plastics that pervade modern life.
    10. The $280 million offering will consist of $55 million of traditional tax-exempt munis, $200 million of bonds subject to the so-called alternative minimum tax and $26 million of fully taxable bonds.
    11. A Seattle detective spoke with New Bedford authorities by telephone on Friday to determine if there are any links between the Massachusetts slayings and the so-called "Green River killer" blamed for 48 deaths in Washington prior to 1984.
    12. And that does not include the threat of the so-called greenhouse effect, which some scientists say could raise temperatures worldwide and change rainfall patterns.
    13. The board also would mandate production of so-called zero-emission electric cars starting in 1998.
    14. In the past year, more than a score of American companies have joined the rush to commercialize the so-called thin-film diamond technology.
    15. About 500 scientists attending the 10-day conference are expected to draft a new program proposing ways to fight the so-called greenhouse effect.
    16. Rafsanjani, leader of the country's so-called pragmatists, is eager to rebuild bridges with the West and is believed to favor abiding by the sanctions.
    17. One reason is the growth of so-called premium imported lagers, sometimes called 'designer' beers, to the annoyance of the trade.
    18. Excluding the volatile food and energy components, October's so-called core producer price index rose 0.5%.
    19. In the so-called "tanker war" _ an offshoot of the 8-year-old Iran-Iraq war _ Iran attacks neutral shipping in the gulf in retaliation for Iraqi raids on its oil tankers.
    20. He was one of four men who have been shot by the so-called "Zodiac" gunman since March.
    21. These include so-called 'funds at Lloyd's' (deposits, personal reserves and special reserves) and other members' assets. The net assets of the central fund increased to Pounds 1.15bn from Pounds 445m.
    22. Officials' ideas for circumventing these legally - by so-called Mexican trusts, for example - have yet to bear fruit. But there is still plenty of local money waiting to get into the market when the time is right.
    23. But William Grimes, who prosecuted the case, said he expects the defense to ask the court for so-called shock probation sometime between the 30th and 60th days of Mr. James's prison term.
    24. Consider an example of a so-called crack spread.
    25. Red Adair Co. firefighters have only one of their so-called Athey Wagons on location, said Richard Hatteburg, an official with that Houston company.
    26. Walsh said the vague nature of North's filing was tantamount to the so-called "gray-mail" that the law was intended to prevent.
    27. Coupled with last week's steps to cap the currency's ascent, traders and economists now believe the banks' so-called band of tolerance is a very wide 1.60-1.90 marks and 120-140 yen.
    28. Mrs. Hills is required to reach a determination about India's insurance and investment practices under the so-called Super 301 clause of the 1988 Trade Act.
    29. The small growth in expenses comes as the so-called super-regional continues to assimilate the banks it has acquired.
    30. Benefit reductions from the so-called "earnings test" can combine with federal, state and local taxes to produce such high marginal tax rates that many older workers do just as well staying home, foes say.
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