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 so-so 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 平常的, 还过得去的, 马马虎虎的, 一般的

ad. 平常地, 还过得去地, 马马虎虎地, 一般地

    [ adv ]
    1. in an acceptable (but not outstanding) manner

    2. <adv.all>
      she plays tennis tolerably
    [ adj ]
    1. being neither good nor bad

    2. <adj.all>
      an indifferent performance
      a gifted painter but an indifferent actor
      her work at the office is passable
      a so-so golfer
      feeling only so-so
      prepared a tolerable dinner
      a tolerable working knowledge of French

    So-so \So"-so`\, adv.
    Tolerably; passably. --H. James.

    So-so \So"-so`\, a. [So + so.]
    Neither very good nor very bad; middling; passable;
    tolerable; indifferent.

    In some Irish houses, where things are so-so,
    One gammon of bacon hangs up for a show. --Goldsmith.

    He [Burns] certainly wrote some so-so verses to the
    Tree of Liberty. --Prof.

    1. After a spate of so-so clothes and shows, Lacroix's offering was like a shot in the arm for fashion.
    2. The largest chain reporting Thursday was K mart Corp., which blamed the calendar shift for its so-so showing.
    3. Included in his generalizations, which the author notes "poured forth like a series of intentional faux pas," were that Irish were bad jurors, blacks okay, Hispanics so-so.
    4. Fifty-nine percent said the outlook was "just so-so" and 21 percent called it "gloomy," the magazine reported.
    5. Why $400,000? It was the price Mr. Finley had set for the sale of a so-so relief pitcher, and thus was "handy."
    6. Business was only so-so for retailers overall, reflecting a later Easter selling season this year, unsettled weather and generally sluggish economic conditions.
    7. The saddest part is that Ms. Hepburn herself is only so-so.
    8. His sixth film as a director, "The Hot Spot," starring Don Johnson, has been released to hot and cold reviews and so-so business.
    9. The acting and story-line got "just so-so" ratings from other viewers.
    10. Treasury Bonds The Treasury's so-so 10-year note auction dragged down prices of most Treasury notes and bonds.
    11. March 11 The Hutchinson (Kan.) News on college admissions standards: Mediocrity may be just so-so in most places, but in the Kansas House of Representatives, medocrity is excellent.
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