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 sleepily ['sli:pili]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 想睡地, 困倦地

    [ adv ]
    in a sleepy manner
    the two children who were snuggled sleepily in the back of the car

    Sleepily \Sleep"i*ly\, adv.
    In a sleepy manner; drowsily.

    1. The Roman troops, roused from their barracks in the second watch of night, sleepily formed ranks in the compound alongside the towering Fortress Antonia in the military-ruled colony of Judea.
    2. The seven-year-old, wearing a Flintstones T-shirt, has no comment, while his younger brother nuzzles sleepily against Mrs. Hamdan's breast.
    3. Bored policemen shoo monkeys and glance sleepily at closed-circuit television cameras as they enforce a curfew in this town whose name has become a battle cry in India's latest political and religious crisis.
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