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 sleeping ['sli:piŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 睡眠

a. 睡着的

    [ noun ]
    1. the state of being asleep

    2. <noun.cognition>
    3. quiet and inactive restfulness

    4. <noun.act>
    5. the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate

    6. <noun.act>
    [ adj ]
    1. lying with head on paws as if sleeping

    2. <adj.all>

    Sleeping \Sleep"ing\,
    a. & n. from {Sleep}.

    {Sleeping car}, a railway car or carrriage, arranged with
    apartments and berths for sleeping.

    {Sleeping partner} (Com.), a dormant partner. See under

    {Sleeping table} (Mining), a stationary inclined platform on
    which pulverized ore is washed; a kind of buddle.

    Sleep \Sleep\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Slept}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Sleeping}.] [OE. slepen, AS. sl?pan; akin to OFries. sl?pa,
    OS. sl[=a]pan, D. slapen, OHG. sl[=a]fan, G. schlafen, Goth.
    sl?pan, and G. schlaff slack, loose, and L. labi to glide,
    slide, labare to totter. Cf. {Lapse}.]
    1. To take rest by a suspension of the voluntary exercise of
    the powers of the body and mind, and an apathy of the
    organs of sense; to slumber. --Chaucer.

    Watching at the head of these that sleep. --Milton.

    2. Figuratively:
    (a) To be careless, inattentive, or uncouncerned; not to
    be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly.

    We sleep over our happiness. --Atterbury.
    (b) To be dead; to lie in the grave.

    Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring
    with him. --1 Thess. iv.
    (c) To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be
    unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie
    dormant; as, a question sleeps for the present; the
    law sleeps.

    How sweet the moonlight sleep upon this bank!

    1. Ms. Culver was in stable condition suffering from exhaustion, exposure and sunburn but was sleeping and doing well, Wannamaker said.
    2. "I don't want to know who is sleeping with whom or who is getting a divorce.
    3. Charles spends the days at his office-apartment at Buckingham Palace, often sleeping there, and rushes off to the polo grounds during country weekends, People said.
    4. Mahasti Ramezani, 15, was sleeping on the second floor of her home in a village above Manjil, and the rest of her family was on the ground floor.
    5. It got so bad that Gretchen's owner started sleeping on an upstairs couch, as far as possible from the skittish dog.
    6. As his family grew, he built second-story sleeping quarters.
    7. The first rocket-propelled grenades hit the squad's truck, around which the men were sleeping.
    8. The spokeswoman said nurses who see direct care workers sleeping are obligated to inform the workers' supervisors immediately.
    9. The cold makes soldiers burrow deep into their down-filled sleeping bags to stay warm.
    10. The school planned to provide the protesters with food and sleeping bags, said Hampshire spokeswoman Lee Wicks.
    11. The Official Airlines Guide Business Traveller survey shows that sleeping and working, both on long and short-haul flights, rate far higher as 'preferred activities' than in-flight entertainment and eating.
    12. Besaraba was found sleeping in the back seat of a car beside Interstate 80 near Brule, Neb., said Hollywood police spokesman David Steele.
    13. Kaspar attributed the sleeping incidents to excessive overtime required by Westinghouse.
    14. He has let sleeping political dogs lie.
    15. He also has been hurt by the disclosure that the state Board of Medical Licensure had privately criticized him for prescribing his own sleeping pills, even though he maintains no active medical practice.
    16. Then, with the baby in a carseat sleeping in the back seat, she led police on a chase at speeds up to 65 mph, tossing the gun and handfuls of $50 bills "flying like confetti" out the car window, said Lt.
    17. Two days after the primary, Hays was rushed to a hospital in a coma from an overdose of Dalmane, a sleeping tablet his doctors had prescribed for him during the scandal.
    18. In Manchester, N.H., census takers failed to count a man who was sleeping on the steps of City Hall _ he was outside their survey area.
    19. In another development, The Salt Lake Tribune quoted unidentified investigators as saying Mrs. Tuinman told them she was sleeping when the boy was dropped off and that she was told he was left with Idaho social services.
    20. The victims were sleeping on the second floor, said Gregory Joos, Peoria's fire administration manager.
    21. At the huge Nowa Huta steel mill in Krakow, riot police rousted sleeping steelworkers, hurled deafening percussion grenades and rounded up 38 people.
    22. A curious porker approached her from behind, bent its head toward the sleeping dog, and administered a healthy root.
    23. The anti-loitering law prohibits people from sleeping in transportation facilities or staying there without giving authorities a "satisfactory explanation" of what they're doing.
    24. One of two prosecutors shot during a robbery died Friday, soon after he was taken off life-support and hours after a man found sleeping on a beach was charged in what police said was a random crime.
    25. At Denver-based Adolph Coors Co., for instance, peer boards continually reinstated employees who had been fired for violating company policy prohibiting sleeping on the job.
    26. A man on trial for murder in the beating of his illegally adopted daughter once whacked the sleeping 6-year-old in the face "out of the clear blue sky," a witness testified.
    27. Miranda said the hospital's 21 wards were so full that some of the less-seriously wounded were sleeping on the floors.
    28. A half-hour before the three explosions, a sentry spotted two intruders and fired warning shots, then woke the sleeping soldiers and told them to get out.
    29. "The gunmen then shot the two sleeping sons in bed in an adjacent bedroom," said the spokesman, who could not be named under regulations.
    30. Staff members say the children have shown signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, including anxiety, bed-wetting and irregular sleeping patterns, said Busch.
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