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 silos 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 筒仓(竖井,放散装水泥的大槽)

    1. According to some congressmen, Welch has suggested an approach in which 50 MX missiles already deployed in silos would be shifted to rail launchers, while the number of Midgetman missiles to be built would be scaled back from 500 to 300.
    2. It is already storing coal in concrete silos or in stockpiles on the ground because of weak demand from utilities.
    3. The tests are to simulate the effects of nuclear explosions on underground missile silos.
    4. The SS-24 carries 10 warheads and can be launched from underground silos or rail cars.
    5. Congress has approved building 50 of the MX weapons for deployment in land-based silos, but the Pentagon is now seeking 50 more of the weapons and plans call for putting the second 50 aboard trains.
    6. The cost of taking the nation's 50 MX missiles out of their underground silos at the Wyoming base and building the new "garrisons," or shelters, is expected to be at least $5.6 billion, said a Pentagon source who requested anonymity.
    7. The silos emit radon and are suspected of leaking waste into groundwater.
    8. Such meters can be used for improving the accuracy of Scud missiles, or for calculating gravity fields around missile silos.
    9. The blaze also destroyed an older farmhouse, two silos and a building used to store potatoes.
    10. The greatest test of our strength will be in our classrooms, not our missile silos.
    11. As wheat sprouted in spring, last year's crop, plus a donated mountain from the West, still hogged half of Poland's silos.
    12. The Bush administration has proposed building a new "Midgetman" single-warhead missile that could be moved about on giant trucks, much more difficult to hit than known, fixed positions such as current Minuteman silos.
    13. The MX is now deployed in ground-based silos, but under the Pentagon's proposal would be mounted instead on rail cars that would be garaged on military bases.
    14. 'The silos are empty: do we start digging cemeteries?' is how Mr Sevan described it. One Pakistani official said: 'The big powers were keen to finance the war which brought about this catastrophe.
    15. Bush called for $2.2 billion for the MX missile and its plan to move the 50 missiles from fixed silos to rail cars.
    16. Del Rio officials were told the purpose of the tests was to "determine the survivability of underground missile silos and foreign missile silos and other underground military facilities," Pomeranz said.
    17. Del Rio officials were told the purpose of the tests was to "determine the survivability of underground missile silos and foreign missile silos and other underground military facilities," Pomeranz said.
    18. U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles presently are in concrete silos buried in the ground.
    19. The Senate endorsed the administration request of $1.1 billion for the plan to move the 50 multiple-warhead missiles from their fixed silos to railroad cars.
    20. By year's end, the Air Force plans to have completed deployment of 50 MXs in silos buried 80 feet deep on the Wyoming plateau.
    21. Mitchell said cleanup plans are impossible until contents of the silos are analyzed.
    22. On another major strategic system, Bush had called for $2.1 billion for the multiple-warhead MX missile and for moving the missiles from fixed underground silos to railroad cars.
    23. The blasts turned the 100-foot silos into mounds of twisted steel, reinforced concrete and 70,000 bushels of corn and soybeans, Plese said.
    24. Pawlet residents voted 249-178 to exempt farm silos from the property tax, though proponents ackowledged it would mean a savings of only $200 a year for each of the town's 17 farms.
    25. Mr Cownie says: 'The aim would be to keep the price rise within range of the general inflation rate'. The price will rise because of the added cost of transporting a large portion of the maize from coastal ports to inland silos.
    26. The report says installing sensors on the missile silos and launchers of each side would eliminate the danger that a missile strike could be launched because of a false alarm.
    27. The Air Force, which lent the deactivated silos to NASA, uses the area for combat training.
    28. Congress has authorized the Pentagon to deploy 50 of the missiles in ground silos in the U.S.
    29. Congress, in a four-year battle with the administration, slashed Reagan's request for 100 of the missiles to 50, and they were placed in hardened underground silos.
    30. The proposed non-nuclear explosions are intended to simulate the impact of nuclear blasts on subterranean missile silos and evaluate the sturdiness of U.S. and Soviet deep-underground command and control facilities.
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