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 silt [silt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 淤泥

vt. 使淤塞

vi. 淤塞

[医] 污泥

    [ noun ]
    1. mud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake

    2. <noun.substance>
    [ verb ]
    1. become chocked with silt

    2. <verb.contact> silt up
      The river silted up

    Silt \Silt\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Silted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    To choke, fill, or obstruct with silt or mud.

    Silt \Silt\, v. i.
    To flow through crevices; to percolate.

    Silt \Silt\ (s[i^]lt), n. [OE. silte gravel, fr. silen to drain,
    E. sile; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. sila, prob. akin
    to AS. se['o]n to filter, s[=i]gan to fall, sink, cause to
    sink, G. seihen to strain, to filter, OHG. s[imac]han, Icel.
    s[imac]a, Skr. sic to pour; cf. Gr. 'ikma`s moisture. Cf.
    {Sig}, {Sile}.]
    Mud or fine earth deposited from running or standing water.

    1. Vegetation will be planted to keep some of the silt and sand in place.
    2. Nature continues to send hurricanes against the island, but the changes prevent silt from replenishing the sand that washes away.
    3. The bay, already a subject of environmental concern, has been shrinking in size because of the encroachment of silt.
    4. James E. Olson, the forceful chairman of American Telephone & Telegraph Co. who got his start cleaning silt out of manholes, died early today of cancer, the company announced.
    5. The bed of the stream was dark and lifeless, the weed and gravel smothered in silt.
    6. Most of the loss is due to industrialization along the Mississippi River, which robs the marshes of the fresh water and silt that used to renew them.
    7. The Pakistani economy is infamous as a graft-ridden swamp so deep that small reforms tend to sink in the bureaucratic silt.
    8. Baghdad also wants the Shatt al-Arab waterway, its only outlet to the gulf, cleared of sunken ships and silt.
    9. In contrast to Olson, whose first job with AT&T was cleaning silt out of manholes in North Dakota in 1943, Allen started out in management at Indiana Bell after his graduation from Wabash College.
    10. Congressional hearings and internal reviews promise to drag on from autumn into winter and beyond. There are fears about the future of Yellowstone's fisheries and wildlife when ash and silt flow into streams and lakes next spring.
    11. Velayati said Iraq's foreign minister, Tariq Aziz, also continued to reject U.N. proposals for repatriation of prisoners and clearing the Shatt-al-Arab waterway, Iraq's only sea outlet, of silt and war debris.
    12. When the Geneva talks halted, Iraq demanded that the next step must be that the Shatt-al-Arab waterway dividing the two nations be cleared of sunken ships and silt so it is navigable again.
    13. 'We are now caught in the silt.' The main target for domestic criticism is the low level of dividends paid by Japanese companies.
    14. The waterway is Iraq's only navigable outlet to the Persian Gulf, but it has been clogged with sunken ships and silt since the war broke out in 1980.
    15. Hundreds of such islands, usually less than half a mile long, have been formed since 1985 by the 2 billion tons of silt a year that courses through the river deltas into the bay, according to the government's Water Resources Board.
    16. The removal of topsoil began in the early 1970s after the High Dam at Aswan went into operation and held back flood waters bearing tons of silt that originally was used in the brick industry.
    17. The border waterway, closed early in the war, is clogged with sunken ships and silt.
    18. The starboard side juts out of the water at low tide, mired in silt and mud.
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