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 signer   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 签名者, 使用手势语者

    [ noun ]
    1. someone who can use sign language to communicate

    2. <noun.person>
    3. someone who signs and is bound by a document

    4. <noun.person>

    Signer \Sign"er\, n.
    One who signs or subscribes his name; as, a memorial with a
    hundred signers.

    1. One signer whose views should be especially interesting if that debate occurs is Sen. John Glenn, who in 1977 took the lead in reducing SALT to rubble.
    2. History will get a price tag this weekend when artifacts from the estate of Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, are auctioned by his descendants.
    3. Phillips said Jefferson's death came only after he had asked his physician, "Is it the Fourth?" and received the reassurance, "It soon will be." Fellow signer John Adams, the nation's second president, died the same day as Jefferson.
    4. Sporting a black Western outfit and a growth of grey stubble, the 48-year-old signer and composer bowed his head to accept the gold and emerald medal from Culture Minister Jack Lang.
    5. Vaclav Zufan, a signer of the Charter 77 human rights manifesto, reportedly was kicked in the stomach and head by police.
    6. The perennial presidential candidate, who claims to be last surviving U.S. signer of the United Nations charter, says he'll use the money for his project to improve the United Nations.
    7. Rep. Mel Levine (D., Calif.), a signer of the letter, yesterday said: "We just feel we don't understand clearly enough what the basis of these sales is."
    8. The United States will never extend a helping hand to me." The signer of the statement is not named.
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