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 signet ['signit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 印, 图章

vt. 盖章于

[法] 小图章, 御玺

    [ noun ]
    a seal (especially one used to mark documents officially)

    Signet \Sig"net\, n. [OF. signet a signet, F., a bookmark, dim.
    of signe. See {Sign}, n., and cf. {Sennet}.]
    A seal; especially, in England, the seal used by the
    sovereign in sealing private letters and grants that pass by
    bill under the sign manual; -- called also {privy signet}.

    I had my father's signet in my purse. --Shak.

    {Signet ring}, a ring containing a signet or private seal.

    {Writer to the signet} (Scots Law), a judicial officer who
    prepares warrants, writs, etc.; originally, a clerk in the
    office of the secretary of state.

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