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 siding   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 侧线, 旁轨, 边宽

    [ noun ]
    1. a short stretch of railroad track used to store rolling stock or enable trains on the same line to pass

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. material applied to the outside of a building to make it weatherproof

    4. <noun.substance>

    Side \Side\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sided}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To lean on one side. [Obs.] --Bacon.

    2. To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its
    interest, in opposition to another party; to take sides;
    as, to side with the ministerial party.

    All side in parties, and begin the attack. --Pope.

    Siding \Sid"ing\, n.
    1. Attaching one's self to a party.

    2. A side track, as a railroad; a turnout.

    3. (Carp.) The covering of the outside wall of a frame house,
    whether made of weatherboards, vertical boarding with
    cleats, shingles, or the like.

    4. (Shipbuilding) The thickness of a rib or timber, measured,
    at right angles with its side, across the curved edge; as,
    a timber having a siding of ten inches.

    1. The train was supposed to go to Fort Worth but was held back at Sierra Blanca, 90 miles east of El Paso, sitting on a siding for about 14 hours under the desert sun.
    2. Mr Jacques Delors, the French Commission president whom he had accused of undermining the negotiations and siding with French interests, was the first to congratulate him when the Commission assembled on Friday afternoon to endorse the breakthrough.
    3. Morrison was among about 50 demonstrators who climbed a fence at an abandoned railroad siding on the north side of the plant, re-creating an August 1976 protest there that was the first group civil disobedience ever against a U.S. nuclear power plant.
    4. Several speakers, including Armenian writer Sergo Khanzodyan, blasted Gorbachev for not siding with the Armenians' demand, according to Ambartsumyan and activist Igor Muradyan.
    5. Aoun then declared a "war of liberation" against Syrian troops in Lebanon, charging they betrayed a 1976 peacekeeping mandate by siding with Moslems against Christians in the civil war.
    6. The organization, the main black group fighting the government, accused security forces of siding with Buthelezi's relatively conservative Inkatha movement in the Natal province factional fighting.
    7. But the violence has strained relations between them, with the ANC repeatedly accusing security forces of fueling the violence and siding with Inkatha.
    8. She said the army leadership was now 'neutral', siding neither with Ms Bhutto nor with Mr Nawaz Sharif, the main opposition leader and former prime minister.
    9. "Disturbing asbestos brakes, shingles, or siding already in place where there is no health or safety reason to do so can cause a much greater health hazard than leaving them in place," said Reilly.
    10. The anti-apartheid group has accused security forces of waging war on its people by siding with the Zulu-based Inkatha movement in factional fighting.
    11. The safety board also said that a signal banner at the switch, which would have warned the Amtrak engineer that he was about to head onto a track siding, was so rusted that it was difficult to see.
    12. Syria maintains 40,000 soldiers on 70 percent of Lebanon's territory under a 1976 peacekeeping mandate from the Arab League. But Aoun has charged that the Syrians have lost their credibility as peacekeepers by siding with the Moslems.
    13. Diplomats in Baghdad said the decree apparently was aimed at facilitating the return of thousands of Iraqi servicemen who are in Iran and want to return but fear reprisal for desertion and siding with the enemy during the war.
    14. The UDF accused police of siding with Inkatha by encouraging and taking part in attacks on UDF members and by refusing to prosecute Inkatha members.
    15. Bonn officials reject the impression that they are siding with the U.S. against France on reforming European agriculture.
    16. According to Associated Press dispatches just out of Burma, some soldiers are now siding with the demonstrators, and the government no longer controls portions of even major cities such as Rangoon and Mandalay.
    17. They also called President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and King Fahd of Saudi Arabia "traitors of the Arab world" for siding with the United States in the confrontation.
    18. The United Democratic Front accuses police of siding with Inkatha.
    19. Ply-Gem, a maker and distributor of home improvement specialty products such as vinyl siding and windows, decorator paneling and fire-retardant lumber, reported 1987 revenues of $313 million. Wolverine had revenues of $111 million for 1987.
    20. The Congressional Budget Office, siding with the more pessimistic private forecasters, projected a 1991 deficit of $138 billion, far above the $64 billion deficit limit set by the Gramm-Rudman balanced-budget law.
    21. Aoun says Syria has betrayed the mandate by siding with the Moslems against Christians in Lebanon's 14-year-old civil war.
    22. Zenith Electronics Corp. urged owners of its 27 million shares against siding with the dissident Brookhurst Partners bent on dismantling the last major U.S. television manufacturer.
    23. Eventually, the plastic construction, which may feature prefab wall panels complete wmth insulation and siding that snaps together, will provide a more efficient way of building, company officials said.
    24. Walter Wriston, former chairman of Citicorp, and William Coleman, a former transportation secretary, are siding with Mr. Acker.
    25. Aoun claims the Syrians abrogated that mandate by openly siding with Lebanon's Moslems.
    26. Aoun contends the Syrians abrogated that mandate by siding with the Moslems.
    27. By siding with the poor and taking power away from unionized bureaucracies, the Bush administration can rally new support for its policies.
    28. Gay deserves more stringency, for this is funny social satire which pillories the usual eighteenth-century targets (lawyers, medics, bankers) by siding with the underworld of pimps and pick-pockets.
    29. We frequented the fabric store (my wife sewed all the curtains) and the building store (vinyl siding).
    30. Moslems, who make up 7 percent of the population, claim neutrality in the civil war, but the rebels have accused them of siding with the government.
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