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 Sidon   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the main city of ancient Phoenicia

    1. Stening said four gunmen kidnapped them near south Lebanon's provincial capital of Sidon as they were driving in a U.N. car from their base in the southern port of Tyre to Beirut on Feb. 5.
    2. Israeli helicopter gunships yesterday attacked Palestinian guerrilla positions in south Lebanon, wounding four people, security sources said, Reuter reports from Sidon. The air raid was the fourth attack on guerrilla targets in Lebanon in four days.
    3. The PLO has an estimated 5,000 hard-core fighters in their bases in refugee camps in Sidon.
    4. Red Cross deputy delegate Mohammed Bizri said two Swiss delegates identified as Daniel Philippin and Christophe Girod restarted operations in the southern port cities of Sidon and Tyre.
    5. Thousands of Beirut refugees have been camping on the banks of the Awali River, the northern entrance to Sidon.
    6. Strubig said the organization, based in Stadtoldendorf, began providing social and medical assistance to Palestinian refugees and poor Lebanese villagers in the Sidon region last November.
    7. Amal recaptured most of the mountainous region in a string of counter-offensives but failed to dislodge Hezbollah from the mountaintop villages near Sidon.
    8. As darkness fell, the fighting centered around two other villages seized by Hezbollah, Kfar Milki and Kfar Kila, about five miles northeast of Sidon, provincial capital of south Lebanon.
    9. Israeli fighter-bombers attacked guerrilla bases near Beirut and the southern port of Sidon today.
    10. Lebanese authorities said eight guerrillas were killed in the ground action and five died in the air raid on guerrillas of Abu Nidal's Fatah-Revolutionary Council near Sidon.
    11. No group has claimed responsibility for kidnapping Winkler, who heads the Sidon office of the International Committee of the Red Cross.
    12. Two Swiss Red Cross workers kidnapped in Sidon Oct. 6 are believed held in the valley.
    13. In the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon, the radical Abu Nidal Palestinian group claimed responsibility for the border attack.
    14. The battleground is ner Ein el-Hilweh and Mieh Mieh, Palestinian refugee camps on the outskirts of Sidon, the ancient port 25 miles south of Beirut.
    15. The statement was issued the day after Swiss Red Cross official Peter Winkler, kidnapped a month ago in south Lebanon, was freed in the port city of Sidon.
    16. Two people were wounded in the clash between the leftist Popular Nasserite Organization and the Israeli-backed South Lebanon Army militia in the hills to the east of Sidon, provincial capital of south Lebanon, police said.
    17. Police said the three motor boats exploded simultaneously at dawn in Sidon, 25 miles south of Beirut.
    18. Lebanese police said four jets made the raid on Palestinian bases east of Sidon at about 7 p.m., and six struck Hezbollah bases in the Bekaa about 15 minutes later.
    19. "Our operations have been suspended in Sidon pending the release of our two abducted comrades," said Mohammed Bizri, Lebanese representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Sidon.
    20. "Our operations have been suspended in Sidon pending the release of our two abducted comrades," said Mohammed Bizri, Lebanese representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Sidon.
    21. They also carried colorful flags inscribed, "We are at your disposal, oh Khomeini." Schools and businesses in the Palestinian refugee camps in the southern ports of Sidon and Tyre went on strike to protest the killings.
    22. A police spokesman said the three boarded the Lebanese cargo ship Libra in Sidon and it departed for Cyprus at 5 p.m.
    23. Salem was taken to Sidon's Hammoud hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove the bullet that pierced the left side of his forehead.
    24. Emanuel Christen, 32, and Elio Erriquez, 23, were kidnapped Oct. 6 in the southern city of Sidon by a masked gunman who piled them into a car trunk and sped off in the direction of a Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of the city.
    25. Police said Bassam Hourani, 30, was shot to death on his motorcycle near the Sidon vegetable market.
    26. Kfar Hatta lies just below mountain routes, controlled by Israeli troops and a predominantly Christian allied militia, that link Israel's "security zone" in south Lebanon to Jezzine, a Christian town east of Sidon.
    27. Palestinian Yasser Shreide goes on trial in Sidon for 1985 murder of Libyan dissident in Germany.
    28. "Mieh Mieh has suffered the most severe destruction since Israel's 1982 invasion" of Lebanon, said a police spokesman in Sidon, whose name cannot be used because of regulations.
    29. The red line is the safety of Israel." Israel has long made clear that its strongest territorial defense line is drawn at Sidon and the Awali River.
    30. In Sidon, the convoy divided, taking two victims to the southern port of Tyre and three to Nabatiyeh, an inland market town.
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