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 shortsighted ['ʃɒ:t'saitid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 近视的, 目光短浅的, 缺乏想像力的

    [ adj ]
    1. unable to see distant objects clearly

    2. <adj.all>
    3. lacking foresight or scope

    4. <adj.all>
      a short view of the problem
      shortsighted policies
      shortsighted critics derided the plan
      myopic thinking
    5. not given careful consideration

    6. <adj.all>
      ill-considered actions often result in disaster
      an ill-judged attempt

    Shortsighted \Short"sight`ed\, a.
    1. Not able to see far; nearsighted; myopic. See {Myopic},
    and {Myopia}.

    2. Fig.: Not able to look far into futurity; unable to
    understand things deep; of limited intellect.

    3. Having little regard for the future; heedless.
    -- {Short"sight`ed*ly}, adv. --
    {Short"sight`ed*ness}, n.

    Cunning is a kind of shortsightedness. --Addison.

    1. But are business schools shortsighted?
    2. "I see a lot of dreams being smashed by what I consider some pretty shortsighted decisions by private industry." The spreading blotches of logged-over land come at a pivotal moment in Northwestern logging.
    3. Newmarket, like the City of London, may lose out to equine centres abroad, Cecil said, particularly if the government did not stop 'bleeding and bleeding the racing industry' through VAT and betting tax. 'They're very shortsighted.
    4. But many of the problems persist years after being identified, the report said, blaming a lack of agency leadership, shortsighted decision-making and a failure of Congress and the White House to aggressively oversee government management.
    5. It is becoming clear to us that this policy is shortsighted and most likely a mistake.
    6. Cornish Hitchcock, an attorney for Public Citizen, a Washington consumer group founded by Ralph Nader, said an effort to eliminate the fuel standards would be "shortsighted," and would stall the move toward increased U.S. energy independence.
    7. Their shortsighted commitment to quarterly figures skews the market and can be addressed only through new federal legislation.
    8. While public finance is going through a "very difficult period," he termed the firm's decision to pull out "shortsighted."
    9. He says the FDIC was shortsighted and callous.
    10. But Arthur Kropp, president of People for the American Way, said companies are being shortsighted by caving in to such complaints.
    11. However, U.S. Memories supporters had warned that companies rejecting the idea merely because of the current market glut were being shortsighted.
    12. "I think it is very shortsighted to think that the pools will blossom without regulation," says Tamar Frankel, a Boston University law professor who has written a book on securitization.
    13. Their message is the same: the assumption that Democrats can count on remaining a powerful party out of power is shortsighted politics.
    14. "I think it's shortsighted of these guys.
    15. Newspapers editorialized against his "shortsighted thrust for power" and pursuit of "political warfare."
    16. Bunting, an Oak City, N.C., farmer, said it was "shortsighted" of Bovard to seek their outright removal.
    17. "To reward one ally at the expense of another would be shortsighted and detrimental to American interests," they said.
    18. Mr. Junkins sees the policy as shortsighted.
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