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 shortstop ['ʃɒ:tstɒp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 游击手, 停显液

    [ noun ]
    1. (baseball) the person who plays the shortstop position

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base

    4. <noun.act>

    Shortstop \Short"stop`\, n. (Baseball)
    The player stationed in the field bewtween the second and
    third bases.

    1. It is also the story of Mr. Kubek, who was the shortstop for that team and who is now a commentator for NBC's "Game of the Week."
    2. There may be no tomorrow," Selleck said before Sunday's baseball game in which he played shortstop dressed in a Detroit Tigers uniform. His TV character, private investigator Thomas Magnum, often wears a Tigers cap.
    3. But Mr. Brito proved he belonged in the big leagues with his now legendary discovery of Mr. Valenzuela in 1978, at a game the scout was attending to watch a promising shortstop.
    4. Jessica was playing shortstop for the Maroon team in Thursday's Chester-YMCA T-ball league game against the Royal Blues.
    5. On June 26 at Pittsburgh, Noce was caught trying to steal second, but the shortstop dropped the catcher's throw for an error.
    6. Ed Montague, a former shortstop with the Cleveland Indians and a longtime scout with the New York and San Francisco Giants, died Friday at the age of 82.
    7. "What we need is a shortstop."
    8. "Good in the field," says his old shortstop, Arthur Moher, "and he didn't hurt you at the bat."
    9. A fifth-inning, three-run homer by shortstop Cal Ripkin Jr., one of their few name-brand players, provided more than enough scoring.
    10. Did you hear about the time President Reagan played shortstop for the Chicago Cubs in a game with the New York Yankees and knocked the ball out of the park in the ninth inning to win the game?
    11. She didn't find out about the Strip-O-Gram _ or whatever _ part of it until it was too late." As it happened, the shortstop for the other team, Manoa Presbyterian, doubles as that church's pastor, and he didn't find it entirely humorous.
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