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 serendipitous [ˌserən'dipitəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 偶然发现的

    [ adj ]
    lucky in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries

    1. Other misattributions proved more serendipitous.
    2. "Once in a while, we do find a new use for a drug through serendipitous, unapproved use," says Henri Manasse, dean of the pharmacy school at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
    3. Majestic's investment in "Driving Miss Daisy" is even more modest though equally as serendipitous.
    4. Killing Termites A new termite killer grows out of a serendipitous discovery.
    5. He still talks about that, and the timing is serendipitous: Much of the country is talking about how 355 members or former members of the House of Representatives kited checks at their own bank.
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