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 serenity [si'reniti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宁静, 沉着, 晴朗

    [ noun ]
    1. a disposition free from stress or emotion

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    4. <noun.feeling>

    Serenity \Se*ren"i*ty\, n. [L. serenuas: cf. F.
    1. The quality or state of being serene; clearness and
    calmness; quietness; stillness; peace.

    A general peace and serenity newly succeeded a
    general trouble. --Sir W.

    2. Calmness of mind; eveness of temper; undisturbed state;
    coolness; composure.

    I can not see how any men should ever transgress
    those moral rules with confidence and serenity.

    Note: Serenity is given as a title to the members of certain
    princely families in Europe; as, Your Serenity.

    1. When the guardian families of Jing Ling village, whose job it was to protect the tomb, cut some trees that the emperor thought important to the beauty and serenity of the site, he had the villagers executed.
    2. The thunk of tennis ball machines is disturbing the serenity of some residents at this posh resort, and town officials ended up with the ball in their court.
    3. I had not at that time visited Japan, otherwise I would have seen Loch Lomond as a Zen garden, an oasis of serenity, carefully raked and dotted with coloured stones. This year I returned to Loch Lomond.
    4. Mrs. Bush exudes serenity as she, Bush and their five children enter the formal campaign to replace the Reagans at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
    5. The Democratic maneuverings in advance of Monday's Colorado caucuses and Tuesday's Wisconsin primary contrasted sharply with the serenity on the Republican side.
    6. I want the public to remember." The apparently random, brutal murders of two prominent residents were separated by 15 years, but they have come together to shatter the serenity of this hill-country town.
    7. But another anomaly: Stoltzman played the slow movement, one of Mozart's greatest, with surpassing serenity.
    8. Solitude and serenity hits you between the eyes: to the west is a tapestry of green fields and beyond, floating up in castellated amber glory, is imperial Marrakesh.
    9. 'I like basic things that can be worn by men and women,' says Doherty. Egg is a shop that links the calm serenity of the east with a touch of western sophistication.
    10. The dark-haired beauty wears a look of serenity that belies the antics with which her ghost is credited.
    11. The power and serenity of Branagh's St. Crispin Day speech might bring a tear or two, and will definitely cause the skin to tingle.
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