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 seismograph ['saizmәgrɑ:f]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 地震仪

[电] 地震计

    [ noun ]
    a measuring instrument for detecting and measuring the intensity and direction and duration of movements of the ground (as an earthquake)

    Seismograph \Seis"mo*graph\, n. [Gr. ??? an earthquake +
    -graph.] (Physics)
    An apparatus for registering the shocks and undulatory
    motions of earthquakes.

    1. Nearly 130 miles to the north, the line traced by a wandering pencil on a seismograph at the University of Washington was first interpreted as evidence of a tremor 75 miles southeast of the dormant volcano.
    2. The Richter scale measures energy released by an earthquake in relation to ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    3. The Richter scale gauges the energy released by an earthquake, as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    4. The scale is a guage of the energy released by an earthquake as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    5. The scale is a gauge of energy released by an earthquake, as measured by ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    6. The Richter scale gauges energy released by an earthquake as measured by ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    7. The Richter scale gauges the energy released by an earthquake as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    8. But there's nothing 10 miles south of King Salmon but tundra." The Richter scale is a gauge of the energy released by an earthquake as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    9. The Richter scale is a guage of energy released by an earthquake, as measured by ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    10. The Richter scale is a measure of the energy released by an earthquake, as measured by ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    11. The scale is a gauge of the energy released by an earthquake as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seismograph.
    12. The Richter scale is a gauge of the energy released by an earthquake, as measured by ground motion recorded on a seismograph. An earthquake measuring 3.5 can cause slight damage in the immediate area.
    13. The open-ended Richter scale is a gauge of energy released by an earthquake, as measured by ground movement recorded on a seismograph.
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