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 seismologist [saiz'mɒlәdʒist]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 地震学家

    [ noun ]
    a geophysicist who studies earthquakes and the mechanical characteristics of the Earth

    1. Although the aftershocks are generally decreasing in magnitude, there is still a small chance of a strong temblor measuring 5.0 or more on the Richter scale of ground movement in the next few days, said USGS seismologist William Bakun.
    2. Geological Survey seismologist William Ellsworth said researchers are getting better at making long-term forecasts of which segments of faults are prone to destructive quakes.
    3. Vicki Klein, a seismologist at the Australian Seismological Center in the federal capital of Canberra, said: "If the quake had struck right in Sydney it would have brought down (high-rise) buildings.
    4. Miss Kerns, in the role of seismologist Claire Winslow, predicts a devastating earthquake, but city officials fear an announcement will cause mass panic.
    5. In 1900, seismologist Charles Richter, who devised the earthquake-measuring scale that bears his name, was born in Hamilton, Ohio.
    6. The new study of the San Jose fault's potential for disaster was conducted by Hauksson and his wife, U.S. Geological Survey seismologist Lucy Jones.
    7. Its was centered 10 miles north of King City and 40 miles southeast of Monterey, said seismologist Robert Uhrhammer.
    8. A national early warning system for earthquakes could provide emergency planners with crucial extra seconds in a disaster, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday.
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