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 seeding 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] 晶种

    Seed \Seed\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Seeded}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to
    seed a field.

    2. To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with
    seedlike decorations.

    A sable mantle seeded with waking eyes. --B. Jonson.

    {To seed down}, to sow with grass seed.

    1. Mr. Kinzie agrees that he and another man bulldozed the lawn after the Banoses repeatedly refused to pay the seeding bill.
    2. "Both parties right now are plowing, fertilizing and seeding the fields" for next year, he said.
    3. The report is based on interviews with 10,000 farmers, who indicated their seeding plans as of March 1.
    4. In delving into the past 4,000 years, she has found religious communities seeding themselves in all ages and all societies.
    5. Most of the decrease was accounted for by new limits on a program under which the government could pay half the cost of seeding burned out pastures.
    6. Israel plans to propose exchanging information on water, conservation and cloud seeding.
    7. In Kansas, for example, he explained that seeding is near completion, crop emergence is good, but lack of soil moisture may be limiting root development.
    8. Ray Pat Jones, meteorologist for the Upper Colorado River Municipal Water District in Texas, says seeding has increased rainfall there 20 percent.
    9. That defeat lost Sampras the top ranking and demoted him to the No 2 seeding next week. Having now glanced at the draw, Sampras must feel that the fates are against him.
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