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 seedling ['si:dliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 秧苗, 树苗

[医] 籽苗, 幼苗, 实生苗

    [ noun ]
    young plant or tree grown from a seed

    Seedling \Seed"ling\, n. (Bot.)
    A plant reared from the seed, as distinguished from one
    propagated by layers, buds, or the like.

    1. In addition, the government and private agricultural companies set up seedling nurseries. This led to a dramatic change in the country's production base.
    2. He had sheltered his favored seedling with a tent, warmed it with a space heater, encouraged it with a grow light, dumped 1,600 gallons of water on it and monitored it with a thermostat.
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