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 scuba ['skju:bә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 自携式水中呼吸器

    [ noun ]
    a device (trade name Aqua-Lung) that lets divers breathe under water; scuba is an acronym for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

    Self-contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus \Self`-con*tained"
    Underwater Breathing Apparatus\, n.
    A portable device to allow divers to breathe while under
    water, consisting of one or two tanks of compressed air which
    are strapped onto the back of the diver, and are connected by
    tubing to a mouthpiece through which the diver receives the
    air from the tanks at rate adjustable by a valve; -- called
    also {SCUBA}, {SCUBA gear}, or {SCUBA apparatus}.

    aqualung \aqualung\ n.
    an apparatus containing compressed air or other oxygen-gas
    mixture, permitting a person to breathe under water; -- also
    called a {scuba}.

    Syn: scuba
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

    1. Rescue divers watched helplessly from the ocean's surface as a 12-foot shark fed on the body of a scuba diver who had failed to return from an outing the night before.
    2. The search began just after noon Saturday when the captain of the cruise ship Holiday reported seeing two scuba divers swimming under the ship's hull and asked authorities to search for anything suspicious below the water line.
    3. A rash of sewage spills in 1987 prompted county health officials to close miles of beach, angering surfers, scuba divers and environmentalists.
    4. They will use sonar to determine the sea bottom's characteristics; search for and count larval lobsters; scuba dive to survey lobster densities, shelter sizes and abundance of predators; and sample ocean bottom sediment for invertebrates.
    5. Police scoured the boy's neighborhood after his disappearance, using helicopters and scuba divers in Lake Michigan.
    6. All the subs are "wet" designs that fill up with water and require the crews to wear scuba gear.
    7. Bittmann owned a scuba shop in Edison where Wisniewski worked as a diving instructor.
    8. To State's discomfort, the Canadians' discovery surfaced just as Iraq was producing evidence that the Iranians were using American-made scuba equipment for military operations in the war zone near Basra.
    9. But Dolan said, "It appears that a significant number of trained scuba divers frequently penetrate to depths at and in excess of 220 feet.
    10. Powerful searchlights and large portholes will bring the depths of the sea to brilliant life for the passengers entering the world of scuba divers in relaxed, first-class comfort.
    11. He was one of two men who survived the wreck of the Santa Barbara, a converted 68-foot fishing boat on a scuba diving expedition.
    12. Most of Tuesday's argument focused on whether such student activities as chess and scuba diving clubs are related to school curriculum, and whether judges or school officials should decide that question.
    13. I can walk underwater and jump and do a loop-the-loop," Christopher said in a recent interview. "I think my legs have even stretched." It all began when Christopher and his dad, Richard, watched a scuba diving program on cable television.
    14. A scuba diver was attacked by a shark off Santa Barbara Island on Sunday and hospitalized in stable condition with bite wounds to his left forearm and right hand, authorities said.
    15. It's the nicest place in the world." The $3 million Highport Marina on Lake Texoma has a restaurant and even an outdoor dance floor, but these days it's more of a scuba divers' haven.
    16. All the subs are "wet" designs that fill up with water and require racers to wear scuba gear.
    17. Skiers, surfers, and scuba divers also are avid drivers of jeep-style vehicles.
    18. The six were arrested in the southern port of Larnaca last month after scuba divers stumbled across two shoulder-fired SA-7 anti-aircraft missiles hidden underwater near the coastal airport.
    19. Jerry Murtha, a fire department scuba diver, said it took him about 45 minutes using a metal cutter to rescue one woman trapped in the tail section between collapsed seats, behind a woman who had died.
    20. He even tried scuba diving on Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
    21. Goodridge, a tree surgeon and professional scuba diver, dead at a Rockport hospital Wednesday.
    22. Hutchins, a scuba diving enthusiast, will join him in Atlanta where she's hoping to find work in underwater photography.
    23. And the avid scuba fan has other attractions to explore in the United States, among them shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina, oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico or the kelp forests of California.
    24. The subs were "wet" designs that fill up with water and require racers to wear scuba gear.
    25. Fearing they'd be blamed for Ricky's death, the boy's friends kept the secret from Ricky's parents and their own families as police used helicopters and scuba divers to search for him.
    26. Syrian artillery fire on Thursday set ablaze a tanker loaded with gasoline for the besieged Christian enclave north of Beirut, and scuba divers blew up three boats carrying badly needed food there, police said.
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