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 scuffling 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拖著脚步行走发出的脚步声
v. 混战(scuffle的ing形式)

  1. The vestibule was filled with the unseemly sounds of scuffling and drunken, husky gasping.
  2. Antiwar protests have marked Cheney's visit to Sydney, with demonstrators scuffling with police officers.
  3. Butler was scuffling along with an injury-decimated roster, and Washington had just three victories in 17 outings.

Scuffle \Scuf"fle\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Scuffled}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Scuffling}.] [Freq. of scuff, v.i.; cf. Sw. skuffa to
push, shove, skuff a push, Dan. skuffe a drawer, a shovel,
and E. shuffle, shove. See {Shove}, and cf. {Shuffle}.]
1. To strive or struggle with a close grapple; to wrestle in
a rough fashion.

2. Hence, to strive or contend tumultuously; to struggle
confusedly or at haphazard.

A gallant man had rather fight to great disadvantage
in the field, in an orderly way, than scuffle with
an undisciplined rabble. --Eikon

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