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 scrutinise 添加此单词到默认生词本
vt.vi. 细看, 仔细检查, 审查, 细阅

[经] 详细检查, 细细地看


    1. Non-unionised workers will be able to strike enterprise deals through the use of flexibility clauses incorporated into centralised wage awards, but unions will be able to scrutinise such deals (although they will not have any power of veto).
    2. It argues that it would be impossible to scrutinise all the 1.1m sets of accounts filed each year.
    3. They would still scrutinise HLTs in bank examinations. The idea of formally categorising deals as 'HLTs' if they met certain criteria began in 1989 when regulators were worried about the amount of bank lending to over-leveraged companies.
    4. One key indicator will be domestic orders, which may have been affected by April's tax increases, but analysts will also scrutinise the balance of companies which intend to raise prices.
    5. The European Commission has indicated it will closely scrutinise the measures for possible breaches of competition rules.
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