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 scruff [skrʌf]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 颈背, 后颈

    [ noun ]
    the back side of the neck

    Scruff \Scruff\, n. [Cf. {Scuff}.]
    The nape of the neck; the loose outside skin, as of the back
    of the neck.

    Scruff \Scruff\, n. [See {Scurf}.]
    Scurf. [Obs.]

    1. "Volume has been appalling," said a dealer at a British brokerage firm. "The market was dragged up by the scruff of its neck by Wall Street and by market makers getting caught short.
    2. A complete scruff wanders on, dressed in black, with his long hair divided by a balding dome, like a mad professor.
    3. The twin Brazilian strikers came out after half-time determined to take the match by the scruff of the neck - and did so.
    4. "We will get them by the scruff of the necks," he said.
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