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 scare [skєә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 惊吓, 恐慌

vt. 惊吓, 使恐慌

vi. 受惊

[经] 恐吓; 威胁

    [ noun ]
    1. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events

    2. <noun.state>
      panic in the stock market
      a war scare
      a bomb scare led them to evacuate the building
    3. a sudden attack of fear

    4. <noun.feeling>
    [ verb ]
    1. cause fear in

    2. <verb.emotion> affright fright frighten
      The stranger who hangs around the building frightens me
      Ghosts could never affright her
    3. cause to lose courage

    4. <verb.emotion>
      dash daunt frighten away frighten off pall scare away scare off
      dashed by the refusal

    Scare \Scare\, n.
    Fright; esp., sudden fright produced by a trifling cause, or
    originating in mistake. [Colloq.]

    Scare \Scare\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scared}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Scaring}.] [OE. skerren, skeren, Icel. skirra to bar,
    prevent, skirrask to shun, shrink from; or fr. OE. skerre,
    adj., scared, Icel. skjarr; both perhaps akin to E. sheer to
    To frighten; to strike with sudden fear; to alarm.

    The noise of thy crossbow
    Will scare the herd, and so my shoot is lost. --Shak.

    {To scare away}, to drive away by frightening.

    {To scare up}, to find by search, as if by beating for game.

    Syn: To alarm; frighten; startle; affright; terrify.

    1. Eighteen people were arrested in an investigation into attempts by the Mafia to scare off competition for construction contracts.
    2. He is now examining the satanism scare and suspects it may be a similar phenomenon.
    3. While I doubt the media were as gullible and malleable as Mr. Fenton's memo suggests, the Alar scare was created, mostly out of thin air, just as Mr. Fenton claims, and the media that were taken in can learn something from this episode.
    4. "A $1 billion (acquisition) wouldn't scare us off," Mr. Koken said, but he added that the company currently isn't close to making a large U.S. acquisition.
    5. An inflation scare shot through the bond market, sending interest rates sharply higher.
    6. But Lawrence Chimerine, president of WEFA Group of Bala Cynwyd, Pa., said, "The inflation scare is somewhat exaggerated."
    7. "Before the police could just scare them away.
    8. Police said the boy, his brother and sister found the pistol hidden under a mattress Monday and decided to scare the maid, Ailene Eleuterio, who was resting after doing the family laundry.
    9. "I am totally flabbergasted," he said, adding that the report, carrying the weight of the institute and its parent National Institutes of Health, would almost certainly scare off any research institution or hospital from doing hyperthermia tests.
    10. Though the rally wasn't overtly political, it gave the government a scare.
    11. Other analysts, owever, worry that steeper declines could scare off the foreign investors the United States has come to depend on to finance its borrowing needs and could run the risk of igniting a new inflationary spiral.
    12. But fears remain on Wall Street that the market could take another sharp dive, that October's volatility could scare investors out of the market and dry up commissions, or that corporations, fearing the unknown, will put off financings.
    13. Flynn said that psychological barriers caused by a general economic slowdown were continuing to scare away buyers in the Northeast.
    14. But unlike Romero's heroic scare effort in which radiation turns corpses into killers, the latest work is a mindless, boring tale about a green vapor that turns the living into zombies who love to eat brains.
    15. It also is highly derivative of other scare movies, even down to the Norman Bates shower scene (in this case, the specter of death is a spider).
    16. On a recent visit, he shushed reporters asking him questions while he was fishing in a local river _ telling them not to scare away the fish.
    17. Shipments of Washington state apples increased slightly last week after losing ground for a month, an indication consumers may be overcoming fears of a chemical scare that began in February, an industry official said Friday.
    18. SENIOR bourses regained their composure after the German money supply scare on Thursday, writes Our Markets Staff. FRANKFURT fell slightly but confounded dealers who had expected a steep decline.
    19. They were offered to the deities at temples and in home sanctuaries and were placed in graves to scare away evil spirits, pay tribute to a particular god or maybe just to keep the deceased company on his or her trip into the afterlife.
    20. The United Mine Workers, which won the right to represent South East Coal Co. workers last month, dismissed the announcement as a "scare tactic" designed to influence upcoming contract talks.
    21. About 6 million crates of grapes were dumped during the health scare.
    22. The challenger, 46-year-old housewife Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, captured eve-of-election headlines when her Friday afternoon rally in the Icelandic capital was disrupted by a bomb scare.
    23. Bhagwati also dismisses scare stories about cheap foreign imports depressing the pay of unskilled workers in the US.
    24. The discovery during the weekend of two grapes tainted with cyanide in Philadelphia's port kicked off a public health scare.
    25. Attempts by the Republicans to scare people into thinking the Democrats would disarm America were "gross distortions," the Georgia Democrat said.
    26. The cyanide poisoning deaths contributed to a nationwide tampering scare, and Excedrin manufacturer Bristol-Myers recalled all its non-prescription medicine sold in capsule form.
    27. Two unexploded pipe bombs were found lying in a street here, officials said Thursday, while a bomb scare in a nearby town has prompted authorities to seal all mailboxes until further notice.
    28. An applicant needed to scare up only $2 million in capital to start one, and hundreds of DTCs quickly sprouted, some of them founded by tailors, exporters and even newspaper reporters.
    29. Gas's earlier scare tactics have given ministers cold feet about dismantling the monopoly.
    30. President Reagan stopped by one of America's most hassled embassies today, saluting diplomats and staff who have lived through a "spy dust" scare, Soviet bugging, alleged security breaches by Marine guards and a fire.
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