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 scared   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 害怕的, 担惊受怕的, 惊慌的, 吓坏了的

    [ adj ]
    made afraid
    the frightened child cowered in the cornertoo shocked and scared to move

    Scare \Scare\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Scared}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Scaring}.] [OE. skerren, skeren, Icel. skirra to bar,
    prevent, skirrask to shun, shrink from; or fr. OE. skerre,
    adj., scared, Icel. skjarr; both perhaps akin to E. sheer to
    To frighten; to strike with sudden fear; to alarm.

    The noise of thy crossbow
    Will scare the herd, and so my shoot is lost. --Shak.

    {To scare away}, to drive away by frightening.

    {To scare up}, to find by search, as if by beating for game.

    Syn: To alarm; frighten; startle; affright; terrify.

    1. "They didn't hurt me but at one point I was scared for my life," said the warden, Roberto Sanchez Camareno.
    2. He said the RTC had scared away investors by failing to set minimum prices and by pulling properties from the initial list released in early August.
    3. "I'm only 18," said Pfc, James Bullard Jr. of Shallotte, a soldier since July. "Yeah, I get scared.
    4. "I wasn't scared," he added. "In fact, the thing that worried me most about coming out was the flight.
    5. "I feel fortunate not to have to go to prison," Fletcher, 50, said as he left the courthouse. "I was scared.
    6. People are already scared.
    7. "We're scared," says Eddie Finn.
    8. I scared so many people I wasn't allowed in a lot of houses." His first job, while still in high school, was making up stage actors.
    9. As a result, I have been scared of whole groups of plants because they are supposed to prefer a shady existence.
    10. Paul Hirsch, a professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, notes that in any cutback, "more people are scared than wind up getting hurt.
    11. "I have never been so scared," said the burly redhead.
    12. 'I simply have to ensure that my client feels comfortable and so I mustn't overaccentuate my appearance as they can be scared by too unusual a dress.'
    13. People were scared," added Mrs. Perkins, 32, of Fort Myers.
    14. "We're not scared of the militias any more," said Bassam Itani, the Sunni Moslem owner of a toy shop in west Beirut's Zarif district.
    15. "We were scared because the accident was pretty spectacular, but it did not jeopardize his summer holidays," said a government official.
    16. The confusion in the marketplace scared away some municipal and corporate issuers.
    17. Even some retired executives are scared to speak frankly about Mr. Pickens.
    18. He said foreigners would be scared to visit Sabah if the show were screened.
    19. Such predictable, relentless selling pressure probably scared away many potential buyers from both stock and futures markets.
    20. Some of the blame should fall on the International Olympic Committee, which puts a hammerlock on host-area hotel reservations years in advance of a Games, taking it off only after many potential tourists have been scared away.
    21. They were "scared" to shoot.
    22. "I have to admit it's a little overdone," he says of the film, "but it scared the hell out of us."
    23. "You just can't be scared.
    24. But the fact is, nonunion workers are scared that if they exercise their government-protected rights, they will be fired from the job that, even as Mr. Clark's assertion suggests, they so desperately need.
    25. "Those kind of numbers scared speculators out of the marketplace," he said.
    26. Coupled with a worldwide shipping recession over recent years, shipping experts said the war has scared off an estimated 40 percent of the vessels that once used the waterway.
    27. She wasn't on the bridge when the quake struck, but she's scared anyway, and has only been on it one time since.
    28. But if stocks slump further, he contends, "they'll get scared and sell."
    29. "I can see him and I'm scared and I'm full of hate," Nightowl says. "Then I wake up and I think, `I can't go down to the neighborhood because if I do, I'm going to die.'
    30. Abajian, 46, said he developed the idea for patterned scrubs in 1986 as a way to ease the tension felt by hospitalized children, who often will not pay attention to hospital staff because they are scared.
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