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 ropes 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Hemp can be used for cloth and ropes.
  2. She's just started it'll take her a week or two to learn the ropes.

  1. "Super Tuesday was the hard night because that was when you really knew you were on the ropes," Gephardt said.
  2. Smith, dark-haired and deceptively slim at 23 years old, has a typical wrestler's biography in that he had an older brother (among eight other sibs) who taught him the ropes.
  3. The special interests want to beat up Ronald Reagan until he bounces off the ropes and hits the mat.
  4. In front of the City Radio store, ropes were put up to form lines.
  5. Thomas French, head of the state's endandered species program, dangled from two ropes Wednesday while a small crowd gathered on the street hundreds of feet below and the adult birds attacked.
  6. She coiled her ropes aboard and we steamed away towards the north.
  7. "But they just aren't using ropes."
  8. What Billy has in mind is to hang Cluett from the ropes and take over his lucrative route.
  9. A mahout holds the elephant's tail in a semicircle, providing a toehold for the player to scramble atop the beast's back, hoisting himself up with ropes.
  10. What we finally discovered was that they were using twisted ropes for the parachute on the capsule.
  11. He tried hiring more salesmen to push his radio products, but they took too much time to learn the ropes.
  12. Meanwhile, some young traders are getting into the screen-trading business and learning the ropes without setting foot on an exchange floor.
  13. I plugged in at Camp 2 and shot up the fixed ropes to Camp 3 in under four hours.
  14. He said the victim was "probably kneeling when he was shot in the head." Larry D. Smith of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Crime Lab testified the ropes that bound Prasad's feet and neck were similar to rope found in Colon's apartment.
  15. "I had no choice but to let go," ending up with a bruised elbow, black and blue hip and a `little finger that blew up like a balloon." Two children surveyed by the doctors had teeth knocked out by wayward ropes.
  16. To climb El Capitan, Wellman and Corbett, 35, used modified cave exploration equipment that allowed Wellman to pull himself up the face of the cliff, using a T-bar device and ropes set by Corbett.
  17. The activists raised themselves on ropes when a freighter approached, said state police Detective Mike Schacher.
  18. In order to dramatize their protest, some students experienced in mountain climbing began a "suspension strike" Wednesday, dangling on ropes attached to the university's roof.
  19. But if Everest is going to be tackled, Hillary said he would rather see everyday climbers giving it a try rather than "prima donnas" who criticize attempts made with the aid of oxygen, fixed ropes and high altitude porters.
  20. Comparable worth has been on the ropes legally for several years.
  21. It thumps, bumps, crashes and washes ropes all over the place but we're enjoying the sailing.' So, too, are the 140 crew members racing towards Blake in the 10 yachts of the British Steel Challenge.
  22. The father, who refused to be named and was shown in silhouette, relayed his son's account of kangaroo courts in which makeshift ropes made from sheets were tied around the necks of prisoners.
  23. Up to 25 aircraft a year pass through the company's hands, giving a turnover in a typical year of Dollars 7m. The 'punch-drunk' days for the UK business aircraft market seem to be over. The industry is off the ropes and beginning to fight back.
  24. "We've very nearly lost equipment," he said. "We're well equipped with ropes and chains." Hayhurst, 39, is a 17-year veteran of prospecting in the Middle East and Africa, but this is his first experience with quicksands.
  25. They walk around the ropes, touching them and pushing their heads against the four posts in prayer.
  26. Boulay, Ghislain and seven other inmates escaped from the high-security Lannemezan prison last December, blowing off a cellblock door with explosives and climbing over a wall with ropes. All eight were eventually recaptured.
  27. Operating profits from wire ropes doubled to Pounds 2.6m.
  28. Glover induces Cluett to take along rookie salesman Billy Fox to show him the ropes.
  29. Responding to the tune were show members playing the parts of "Donna Rice" and "Jessica Hahn," who sang: "Our men are on the ropes and they say we're the dopes." A skit member playing Bush sang to the tune of Michael Jackson's "Bad."
  30. 'It has a very long fibre, which can be used for paper as well as linen, lace and ropes.' He believes the paper market has big potential.
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