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 room-temperature 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. University of Utah chemist B. Stanley Pons said Monday that he and British colleague Martin Fleischmann plan a new round of experiments to expand their research on room-temperature nuclear fusion.
    2. If correct, it dashes hopes for room-temperature operation of the new materials.
    3. Most experts believe the fusion future lies with the high-pressure "hot" process, but they would welcome convincing proof that Utah's cold, room-temperature fusion works because it possibly could be developed more quickly.
    4. Palladium futures prices soared to an 8-year high Thursday as new reports on room-temperature nuclear fusion experiments triggered a rally in platinum futures that drove that metal's price to its highest level in four months.
    5. Not all of the world's physicists are struggling to create room-temperature superconductors, discover new atomic particles or test novel theories about gravity.
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