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 roomage 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Roomage \Room"age\, n. [From {Room}. CF. {Rummage}.]
    Space; place; room. [Obs.] --Sir H. Wotton.

    Rummage \Rum"mage\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rummaged}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Rummaging}.]
    1. (Naut.) To make room in, as a ship, for the cargo; to move
    about, as packages, ballast, so as to permit close
    stowage; to stow closely; to pack; -- formerly written
    {roomage}, and {romage}. [Obs.]

    They might bring away a great deal more than they
    do, if they would take pain in the romaging.

    2. To search or examine thoroughly by looking into every
    corner, and turning over or removing goods or other
    things; to examine, as a book, carefully, turning over
    leaf after leaf.

    He . . . searcheth his pockets, and taketh his keys,
    and so rummageth all his closets and trunks.

    What schoolboy of us has not rummaged his Greek
    dictionary in vain for a satisfactory account! --M.

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