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 repeal [ri'pi:l]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 废止, 撤消

vt. 废止, 撤消, 放弃

[经] 作废, 废除, 撤销

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation

    2. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. cancel officially

    2. <verb.communication> annul countermand lift overturn rescind reverse revoke vacate
      He revoked the ban on smoking
      lift an embargo
      vacate a death sentence

    Repeal \Re*peal"\ (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repealed}
    (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repealing}.] [OF. repeler to call
    back, F. rappeler; pref. re- re- + OF. apeler, F. appeler, to
    call, L. appellare. See {Appeal}, and. cf. {Repel}.]
    1. To recall; to summon again, as persons. [Obs.]

    The banished Bolingbroke repeals himself,
    And with uplifted arms is safe arrived. --Shak.

    2. To recall, as a deed, will, law, or statute; to revoke; to
    rescind or abrogate by authority, as by act of the
    legislature; as, to repeal a law.

    3. To suppress; to repel. [Obs.]

    Whence Adam soon repealed
    The doubts that in his heart arose. --Milton.

    Syn: To abolish; revoke; rescind; recall; annul; abrogate;
    cancel; reverse. See {Abolish}.

    Repeal \Re*peal"\, n.
    1. Recall, as from exile. [Obs.]

    The tribunes are no soldiers; and their people
    Will be as rash in the repeal, as hasty
    To expel him thence. --Shak.

    2. Revocation; abrogation; as, the repeal of a statute; the
    repeal of a law or a usage.

    1. Metzenbaum's bill would repeal the insurance industry's antitrust exemption but allow states to continue individually to regulate insurance.
    2. The Senate tried to save the part of the plan that extended Medicare to cover long hospital stays, but the House insisted on total repeal and, in the legislative equivalent of an across-the-Capitol arm wrestle, the House won early Wednesday.
    3. Twenty years ago, Connecticut lawmakers approved a statewide income tax, only to reverse direction in the face of voter revolt and quickly repeal it.
    4. Gerhard Pohl says East Germany will repeal recent laws that restrict foreign ownership in joint ventures to 49 percent, the Hamburg-based Bild newspaper reported today.
    5. Haik has said that if the industry implements its voluntary program, he would push for repeal of the law.
    6. The proposal largely duplicates an existing law passed by the state legislature, but if approved by voters on November 8 it will be much harder to repeal in the future.
    7. Finally, the House bill would repeal an amendment to the Export Administration Act and exclude the Defense Department from any role in export licensing to COCOM countries.
    8. The sales-tax boost is Gov. Martinez's suggestion for making up the the money that would be lost in a services-tax repeal.
    9. By attaching the popular tax repeal measures to the debt-ceiling bill, Republicans would take away from the Democrats the most attractive features of a separate tax and entitlement bill now being negotiated between the House and the Senate.
    10. Another wants to repeal the Sherman Antitrust Act so as to let U.S. electronics industries work together to take on the Japanese.
    11. Other features range from repeal of the 1980 windfall profits tax on oil industry earnings to substantial agricultural subsidy programs.
    12. Ernst & Whinney's Mr. Lerner is heading an effort by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants to persuade Congress to repeal the measure.
    13. Gov. Jim Florio was hanged in effigy and depicted in posters as Adolf Hitler as thousands demanded repeal of a record $2.8 billion tax increase.
    14. The rollback package failed to gain the 41 votes necessary for passage, thus effectively ending the tax repeal drive until the Republican majorities take over both houses of the state legislature tomorrow.
    15. The Securities and Exchange Commission urged Congress to repeal a law automatically exempting from SEC registration requirements corporate bonds that are guaranteed by banks.
    16. MPs yesterday hit out at the powers the bill will give ministers to repeal regulatory measures without primary legislation.
    17. It would repeal an exemption now granted to lawyers for administrative or judicial proceedings.
    18. An amendment to repeal a luxury tax on expensive cars, yachts, furs and jewelry failed 12-6.
    19. The Senate passed a bill blocking the FCC from spending any money on repeal.
    20. In addition to providing drilling incentives, Congress should repeal the windfall profits tax, passed during the late 1970s when the oil industry was deregulated, while petroleum prices are down and do away with controls on natural gas, Bush said.
    21. The repeal of Prohibition hasn't stopped drinking either, and today, as always, there are people who get "hooked" on alcohol.
    22. Foreign exchange dealers around the world sold dollars on news that West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl had confirmed his government would repeal the country's 10 percent withholding tax on interest income.
    23. Quayle was asked how repeal would promote Palestinian rights.
    24. The Legislature this year voted to repeal the three laws, but Gov. Judd Gregg vetoed the bill.
    25. Another amendent demanded that the city repeal a law requiring insurance companies to sell life insurance to people with AIDS.
    26. "They went to the max." The saga proved to be an embarrassment for Republican Gov. Bob Martinez, who at first strongly advocated the tax, then did an about-face and just as stridently called for its repeal.
    27. "Repealing the tax would be a mistake because it would cost the government money," said Sen. Howard Metzenbaum (D., Ohio), who fought the repeal.
    28. The House is expected today to vote to repeal the Catastrophic Care Act of 1988.
    29. The House voted last week to repeal the program.
    30. A "no" vote was a vote against repeal.
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