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 repeat [rɪ'pit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 重复, 反复

vt. 重做, 重复, 复述, 使再现, 复制

vi. 重复

[计] 重复


    Repeat \Re*peat"\ (r?-p?t"), n.
    1. The act of repeating; repetition.

    2. That which is repeated; as, the repeat of a pattern; that
    is, the repetition of the engraved figure on a roller by
    which an impression is produced (as in calico printing,

    3. (Mus.) A mark, or series of dots, placed before and after,
    or often only at the end of, a passage to be repeated in

    Repeat \Re*peat"\ (-p?t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repeated}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Repeating}.] [F. r['e]p['e]ter, L. repetere;
    pref. re- re- + petere to fall upon, attack. See {Petition}.]
    1. To go over again; to attempt, do, make, or utter again; to
    iterate; to recite; as, to repeat an effort, an order, or
    a poem. ``I will repeat our former communication.''
    --Robynson (More's Utopia).

    Not well conceived of God; who, though his power
    Creation could repeat, yet would be loth
    Us to abolish. --Milton.

    2. To make trial of again; to undergo or encounter again.
    [Obs.] --Waller.

    3. (Scots Law) To repay or refund (an excess received).

    {To repeat one's self}, to do or say what one has already
    done or said.

    {To repeat signals}, to make the same signals again;
    specifically, to communicate, by repeating them, the
    signals shown at headquarters.

    Syn: To reiterate; iterate; renew; recite; relate; rehearse;
    recapitulate. See {Reiterate}.

    1. "In nursing, you begin to repeat yourself, and I wanted to grow," she says.
    2. An "international relief operation of major proportions" is needed to avert a repeat of the 1984-85 drought and famine when an estimated 1 million people died, said FAO Director-General Edouard Saouma, in a statement issued in Nairobi.
    3. He did repeat at close range the message that Americans like the Chinese people but take a dark view of the Beijing government.
    4. He keeps a "hit list" of repeat offenders who show up at games, and with the district attorney's help has sought restraining orders to keep out unsavory San Francisco fans.
    5. He did not repeat this allegation - probably because he did not have time.
    6. The opposition parties, though themselves deeply split, would doubtless seek a repeat of 1972 when prime minister Trygve Bratteli resigned. But Mrs Brundtland insists this will not happen.
    7. As the historians like to say (or is it the philosophers?): Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes.
    8. Drabenstott agreed that the odds are against a repeat of the 1988 drought this year.
    9. Many are not reported for fear of a repeat. The kidnappers are well armed, with imported weapons and cellular telephones, and are controlled by the Red Command, the city's main organised crime gang.
    10. Behind the scenes, Treasury's fact-finding operation was turning up some encouraging signs that 1989 would not be a repeat of 1987.
    11. He brought his one-man show, "More Than Two Words," to the National Archives auditorium to repeat the wit and words of a chief executive who is usually pictured as possessing little of either.
    12. 'I repeat what I have always said, which is that all forecasts should be treated with caution and scepticism,' he said.
    13. Maximum fines on pharmacists selling drugs requiring prescriptions without a doctor's authorisation have been halved; repeat offenders will no longer risk enforced closure of their shops.
    14. Heavy promotion and health claims may get consumers to try the products, retailers say, but a bland taste will preclude repeat purchases.
    15. Democratic presidential contender Michael Dukakis, fresh from a solid win in New York's big primary, was looking to consolidate his strength with a repeat performance here next week.
    16. "We have met with (government officials) on numerous occasions. We answered all of the questions and repeat questions," said Washington lawyer Joseph F. Dennin.
    17. At the same time, economists generally don't expect a repeat of the 4.5% drop in energy prices that helped restrain the index last month.
    18. In a meeting with Lithuanian lawmakers in Moscow, Gorbachev did not repeat his previous insistence that independence be sought only under the terms of a Soviet secession law.
    19. Milan Machovec, a philosophy professor who taught Palach at Prague's Charles University, appealed in his letter to anyone considering a repeat of Palach's act.
    20. Moreover, the "locomotives that moved the market in 1986" are unlikely to repeat their performance in 1987, Ms. Mezey says.
    21. "We mustn't repeat mistakes," he told reporters at the Congress of People's Deputies, the Soviet Parliament. "Not long ago we gave our evaluation to 1968 in Czechoslovakia.
    22. It is unlikely to be 'business as usual' until January. One can only hope that Mrs Carla Hills, the chief US trade negotiator, can stick to her guns when she says: 'This is the final - I repeat - the final week of the Uruguay Round.
    23. "I'm going to repeat, in memory of my husband, the one thing he wanted for Nicaragua: that Nicaragua will once again be a republic," Mrs. Chamorro promised Saturday.
    24. (Mr. Meyers, still at Smartfoods, insists there was an orderly transition that Mr. Martin himself had invited.) Having had problems with partners, some entrepreneurs are taking steps to avoid a repeat of the troubles in new relationships.
    25. Industry officials say the government doesn't want a repeat of the oversupply of light commercial vehicles that followed the approval of four major foreign collaborations in the past two years.
    26. But that form can only be used for initial offerings and repeat offerings in the year after the initial offering.
    27. With almost Pounds 600m in the bank and dividend cover of 2.7 times - against an industry average of 2.2 - Wellcome has room to repeat the trick.
    28. Firstdirect calculates that its accounts are on average worth 15 per cent more than in branch banks with similar customer profiles. Yet it may be hard for others to repeat this.
    29. On the farm front, he hopes to repeat his success in brokering an agreement on closing military bases.
    30. Diplomats and relief workers fear that if a way is not found to feed these people, Ethiopia could suffer a repeat of the great famine of 1984-85 when as many as 1 million people died.
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